Business Rules for Reinstatement Reservations to-from Marsha
This topic contains the following business rules for reinstatement reservations to marsha:
Reinstatement of transient single reservation
- The reinstatement message will only be generated by the PMS for a reservation that has previously been canceled, or was a no-show.
- The message would normally be generated at check-in time if one or more of the party arrives at the hotel. It is a booking modification type of message.
- When reinstating a reservation, the dates and the room type have to be re-entered which leads to a change message in addition to the reinstatement message.
- If more than one share guest arrives at the property only a single PST/ARS change status component is required to reinstate the GNR in MARSHA.
- A reinstatement of a reservation is uploaded in three messages.
- The first message showing the original reservation details before reinstatement.
- The second message showing the changes made during reinstatement and the ARS component with the new arrival status ‘RI’.
- The third message showing the final changes of the meanwhile reinstated reservation, removing the former values and replacing them with the current details.
Reinstatement of Company reservation
Reinstatement is similar to Transient Single reservations.
Reinstatement of a Contiguous reservation
- When a contiguous reservation is reinstated, new rate change records are created by the user in PMS and uploaded to MARSHA.
- The stay details are also modified to accommodate new dates.
Business Rules for Reservation Reinstatements from Marsha
Download of reservation reinstatements
- The reinstatement message is the same as a new reservation. No reference to an existing PMS reservation is shown in the file, as no PMR remark is sent down. OXI performs the match on the PMS confirmation number as usual, and in case a canceled reservation with that PMS number is found, it is reinstated and all the details sent in the new MARSHA message are inserted.
- When an agent or company reservation is reinstated, the profile linkage is checked as well. In case the reservation has now changed and a different agent or company profile have to be linked, the profile matching system finds the correct profile in PMS for new linkage.
- When a share reservation is reinstated, all the former sharers are retrieved and reactivated, as they all have the same CRS confirmation number.
- When a contiguous reservation is reinstated, rate change records are created newly in PMS with the new details of the MARSHA message, even if the details are the same as before the cancellation.
- When an itinerary reservation is reinstated, all found reservations in PMS with the same CRS number are reactivated and the appropriate details are applied/changed.
- A reinstatement is only allowed for a reservation that is not Checked In.