Business Rules for Reservation Cancellations to-from Marsha
This topic contains the following business rules for reservation cancellations to Marsha:
Cancellation of transient single reservation
- The CRR and the PMR components must always be sent in a reservation cancellation.
- The CRS confirmation number in the CRR component is the only matching criteria for finding the reservation in MARSHA.
- All components are delivered with request code XX. The cancellation details are converted by OXI through the business events created during cancellation of the reservation in PMS.
Cancellation of reservation with Company Profile attached
Similar to the cancellation of a transient single reservation, as the company details are not uploaded again.
Cancellation of Share reservation
- If the entire share reservation is canceled in OPERA, a cancellation message for each sharer is sent to MARSHA with the parent sharer containing an XX in the GST section
- If one sharer of the reservation is canceled and the other sharers are still active in PMS, an XX in the GST section of the canceled sharer will be uploaded. If anything else is affected by this cancel (e.g., date changes), an appropriate change message to the PST section will be uploaded.
Cancellation of a Contiguous reservation
All of the RAT components are canceled in this message.