Detail Stay Statistics
(This option is available when the OPR <version number> ORS license is active.)
Select the Details button on the Stay History by Property screen to go to the Detail Stay Statistics screen. This screen shows detailed stay information for the properties and date range you select. (The defaults are the properties and dates currently displayed in the Stay Statistics by Property screen, but you may change these.) The information displayed on this screen is view-only and cannot be edited.
Name. Name of the profile for which you are displaying stay history details. This is the profile from which the CIS History button was selected.
Property. Name of the property for which you are displaying stay history details. By default, ALL properties are shown.
Departure From/To. Range of departure dates to limit the search. By default, these fields are blank and all departure dates are considered.
Include Passerby. Select this check box to display revenue generated through passerby business.
Property. Name of the property for which you are displaying stay history details.
Arrival. Arrival date for this stay.
Departure. Departure date for this stay.
Status. Reservation status (e.g., Reserved, Due Out, Checked Out).
Adult. Number of adults guests on the reservation.
Child. Number of children on the reservation.
Room. Room number of room occupied by the guest.
Room Cat. Room category of the guest's room.
Rate Code. Rate code that applies to this stay.
Market Code. Market segment code that applies to this stay.
Source. Source of the reservation.
Channel. Channel where the reservation originated.
Payment Method. Guest payment method.
PMS Reservation No. OPERA PMS reservation number.
CRS Book No. Central reservation system booking number.
Complimentary? Is the stay complementary? Yes or No.
Reservation Source. If the stay is attached to a source, the source of the reservation.
Source Type. Source type code.
Share No. Number of guests sharing this reservation.
Book Date. Date the reservation was booked.
Booked Arrival Date. Arrival date specified at the time of booking.
Booked Departure Date. Departure date specified at the time of booking.
Cancellation Date. Date the reservation was canceled.
Cancelled Room Nights. Number of room nights canceled.
No Show Room Nights. Number of no show room nights.
Allotment Code. Allotment code which applies to this reservation.
Guest. Guest's name.
Company. If the stay is attached to a company, the company with which the guest is associated.
Travel Agent . If the stay is attached to a travel agent, the travel agent for this guest.
Group. If the stay is attached to a group, the name of the Group to which this guest belongs.
Primary Sharer. If a shared room, the name of the primary sharer.
Primary Sharer Flag. Code associated with the primary sharer.
Total Revenue. Revenue derived from this stay.
PMS Currency Code. Currency in which the Total Revenue is shown.
Exchange Rate. Exchange rate between local currency and the PMS currency code that applies to the stay. This is the exchange rate for the current business date.
Rev. Type. Revenue category for this stay.
Central Amt. Amount of Total Revenue that is centrally apportioned.
Local Amt. Amount of Total Revenue that is apportioned to the local property.
See Also