Contact Statistics Tab
This Year. The total room nights, total stays, cancellations, no shows and total revenue for the current year.
Last Year. The total room nights, total stays, cancellations, no shows and total revenue for the previous year.
Potential Room Nights. The estimated annual room nights for the Contact.
Potential Revenue. The estimated annual room revenue for the Contact.
Commission. The percentage on the total revenue the company should receive, if applicable.
Tax ID. The tax number for this profile.
Folio Instructions. The type of charges the company will pay for when a reservation is made for a guest that is attached to this profile. These are property specific and you can select more than one folio instruction per profile.
Special Fields. Specific check-in messages for guests reservations attached to this profile. The messages will display when the guest checks in. The options are Special (The default message is WARNING, and the guest is allowed to pay with restrictions.) and Normal (There is no message and the guest is allowed to pay on normal terms.).
A/R Number. Contact's Account Receivable Number, if applicable.
Availability Override. If this check box is selected, Contact may book a reservation outside availability limits. Refer to your Operational Standards.