
Conversion Codes Detailed for Marsha

Rate Code/Block Code Conversion (MARSHA only) - If a pick-up from a block is made in PMS, the PMS block code must be sent to MARSHA for the recognition of that reservation as a group reservation. This is done through the rate/block code conversion table, where users have to enter newly created PMS block codes linked to the rate codes they are using with that block. During upload, the table is evaluated and if the rate code found has a block code linked to it, the message is sent as a group booking to MARSHA. The corresponding Mini hotel component is used for upload only. In this case a block code has to be uploaded to the CRS although the reservation is not attached to a block in PMS.

Example:  screen shot of Rate Program conversion codes

Sample Scenarios:

First line in table (above):

Fourth line in table (above):

No line in table (above):

Extracting Guarantee and Request Codes – MARSHA only

To be able to do extract a list of guarantee and request codes, the interface needs to maintain a conversion table for these codes.   To identify the guarantee codes from the request codes, we look into the room request status.

Example: screen shot of Guarantee Request Code conversion

Room pool conversion - Room Types and Request Codes – MARSHA only

The following business rules will follow for the Room Type conversion table:

Example: screen shot of Room Pool conversion


When a reservation is made for a room pool other than (GENR), with no GTD or REQ codes, OXI will check inventory, and if the room type that is mapped in the conversion table is overbooked an OXI warning will be generated and the reservation will be inserted in the PMS. This is to ensure that a room type associated with that room pool is available. For (GENR) it is assumed that upgrades to other room pools will be acceptable because no requests were made and therefore are (GENR) room pool reservations with no GTD or REQ codes.