Convert to Regular
If a Business Block is designated as a sub-booking of a master business block, you may change the booking back to a regular booking.
There are several ways to access this feature:
- You may also select the Convert to Reg. (Regular) option from the Book Options menu. The Book Options menu is available in PMS>Reservations>Blocks>Business Block>Options. If the OPS<version number> OPERA Sales and Catering license is active, select Business Management>Business Block>Options.
- The Convert to Reg. button is only available for sub-blocks when the application function Blocks>MASTER SUB BLOCKS is active and the user has the permission Blocks>BLOCK EDIT.
- When Convert to Reg. is selected, the user will receive the following prompt. Select Yes to unlink the sub-block from the master block. Once unlinked, it is not possible to relink the sub-block to the master block.