
DAY TYPES Application Setting

Group.  RATES

Type.  Function

Application.  PMS

                     ORS (Global)

Description.   Activate Day Type Functionality

Property Determination. When the function is active, set to Y, certain day types can be configured in OPERA which allow rates to be either increased or decreased on these days depending on forecasted occupancy. Rates will be temporarily increased for that day type by a percentage or additional amount. This day type can be reused for multiple dates. These codes will be displayed on the Control Panel availability screen and the Property Calendar together with the event codes, giving your reservation agents the ability to view upcoming and current rate factors. For example, CW = City Convention Day Type, increase all rates by 10%. Only rate codes that have been configured with the Day Type check box option will be affected. Rates can also be re-sequenced by day types in the Rate Query grids. For example, the day type HITOLO (highest rates to lowest rates) can be configured to display records from the highest amounts to the lowest amounts when viewed in the Rate Query screen for that date even if a discounted rate code had the sequence number of 1 defined on the rate header.

Properties who use the Day Type rate management function appreciate the feature of being able to select the order in which the rates display on the Rate Query and Rate Availability displays (Rack rate at the top, then the Corporate rates, then the Package rates, then the Discount rates for example one day, and then the direct opposite order the next day).

Activation / Inactivation Rules. 


Available Values.

Y- Yes

N- No

Add On Licenses/Country Specifics.


Other Application Settings.


Affected Areas

Menus / Screens / Fields.

Configuration>Rate Management>Rate Classification>Rate Codes>Edit>Header

Configuration>Rate Management>Property Calendar>Day Types

Configuration>Rate Management>Property Calendar>Legend

Configuration>Rate Management>Property Calendar>Edit



F5>Rate Lookup>Day Type field

Control F2- Detailed Availability>Details

Shift F2- Control Panel

Reports & Report Forms.





When inactivating the function, all existing current and future day types configured for dates will be removed from the calendar.


DAY TYPES do not apply to blocks. Blocks are negotiated rates, and therefore, when a block is created, the rate is picked up from the rate code configuration. When reservations are made against the block, the reservation will pickup the rate on the block. Day Type conditions only apply to individual reservations.