Block Defaults for OXI
This default page is the block default page. The OPERA values can be chosen by selecting the button seen alongside the text entry field. A list of configured and valid OPERA values for this item displays. The external system values have to be inserted in a free-format style, but need to be valid for the external system to accept the record. Be aware of case sensitivity.
Example: Setup for a block default page.
Block Rate Code Select a rate code that has all of the configured room types for the property. Since rates can be subject to restrictions that either close the rate and or room types depending on hotel occupancy, we strongly suggest making a ‘OXI Default’ group rate code and insert this value.
Block Status. OXI will only show the deductible block status types in this list of values as all received blocks from external systems are automatically considered deductible. This is a crucial element for the creation of a block and has to be set.
Block Owner. This is no longer mandatory but depending on the OPERA function General > Owner. If this is flagged, a block owner must be set in order to update the block in OPERA.
Note: ALL is not available in OXI as a selection for the default profile owner or block owner for properties that are not in the same chain as the supervisor. In ASP mode, the default owner is set per property via the General > Default Owner application setting. (This setting is available in ASP mode only.) The Block Owner/Profile Owner LOV has the same selections as the Default Owner LOV for the OPERA property. The default owner is used for all profiles/blocks without an owner code, or for externally created records. When receiving records from an external system and no default owner is configured in OXI or in OPERA, the records will be created without an owner in OPERA.
Destination Code. When processing a Canceled, Lost or Turndown message the destination code can be matched to the code used as the default in the OXI Block Defaults tab. If no match is found then the OXI default, if defined, can be applied.
Validate. Functionality button to validate against OXI defaults that may be dependent on OPERA PMS settings. You will be prompted by OXI to set or remove defaults based on those OPERA PMS settings. (See topic Default Relationships for full description of functionality.)
See Also