
Rate Defaults for OXI_HUB

This screen shows the rate default page. The items shown in bold are mandatory and need to be specified. The OPERA values can be chosen by selecting the button seen alongside the text entry field. A list of configured OPERA values for this item displays. The external system values have to be inserted in a free-format style, but need to be valid for the external system to accept the record. Be aware of case sensitivity when filling in values in the external system column for the defaults.

Global Defaults are recognizable as RED text entries. When you are in a property-specific default level the defaults will be standard BLACK text entries.

The global defaults should apply to all properties linked to this interface. It is recommended to set global defaults and validate afterwards whether all defaults apply to all properties, or whether property-specific defaults are needed.

Property Default Rate Screen

You can find out if you are in Property mode by checking the toolbar on top of the screen – it should read Property Defaults for the Interface OXI-OPERA.  Further, Property default values are shown in BLACK.

Example: Screen Rate defaults for Global level in OXI-V6.

Recommended Default Settings

Rate Class. Can be left blank if a rate category default is selected, as the rate category automatically determines the rate class linked.

Rate Category. This default will be used for all rates codes from the external system if no conversion of the rate category is possible, or if no rate category is sent.

TAP Commission Code. New Field for defaults on Rates being sent from ORS to external PMS’. When commission is entered on the Rate Header in ORS the value is passed to the external property. When working with V6/V7Fidelio PMS’ there is field for TAP. This default field can be populated to have the TAP value default inserted as this value is not currently sent from ORS to V6/V7 properties.

Display Set. When sending a rate code from PMS to ORS, OXI_HUB needs to insert this default when entering a rate into ORS rate header. This is in the event that the PMS does not have this function.


As described under the Global Reservation Defaults section.

See Also