
FLOATING CASHIER ID Application Setting


Type.  Parameter

Application. PMS

Description. Activate the ability of users to select their Cashier ID for each login.


Property Determination. If the Floating Cashier parameter is active, OPERA first looks for open floating cashiers and should there already be open IDs, the Cashier Login screen is suppressed.

The following scenario is possible:

When Floating Cashier is active, OPERA will check for any open cashiers and will only prompt for a cashier login upon checkin if no shared cashier is open.

Now assume that there are 2 floating cashiers created: 101 and 102. Further assume that there are 2 users created without a cashier ID: User 1 and User 2.

In session 1, cashier ID 101 is opened by User 1; therefore, there is now a at least 1 open floating cashier ID. Notice that cashier ID 102 is not opened yet.

In session 2, User 2 attempts to check in a guest. Cashier ID 101 is open and therefore no cashier log in prompt is presented to User 2. The check in will continue without issue.

Now, in session 1, User 1 begins the cashier closure for cashier ID 101 and stays on the Close Cashier screen (CLOCASH).

At the same time, in session 2, User 2 attempts check in another guest. OPERA finds that cashier ID 101 is an open floating cashier ID (at this point, the check in process does not know that this cashier ID is being closed), so no cashier log in prompt appears to User 2. As the check in continues, cashier ID 101 is actually closed and User 1 receives the message that cashier closure is in progress.

Cashier ID 102 never came into the scenario — it was never opened or used. If 102 had been open, the check in process would have used that cashier ID and continued the check in without an error message.

Activation / Inactivation Rules. 


Available Values.

Y- Yes

N- No

Add On Licenses/Country Specifics.


Other Application Settings.


Affected Areas

Menus / Screens / Fields.


Configuration>User Configuration>Users>Edit

Reports & Report Forms.




Other Areas.
