Folio History
A copy of each folio is stored in the OPERA folio history at the time the guest checks out, when an AR invoice is created, when a deposit folio is created (if deposit folios are enabled by the CASHIERING > ADVANCED DEPOSIT HANDLING application setting), or when a passer by folio is generated. From the Folio History screen, folios can be reviewed on-screen and printed in any of the available folio styles.
Notes: Folios remain in OPERA folio history until they are archived to conserve space. (Your property determines how long folios remain in the folio history before archiving.) If folios need to be accessed after archiving, they can be retrieved from the storage tape or other archive medium by your system administrator.
Because interim bills and settlements are not allowed before checkin, folio history details are not available for folios related to Pre Stay Charging (see Pre Stay and Post Stay Charging for details). Pre stay folios can, however, be viewed and printed from the guest's Billing screen.
The Folio History screen can be accessed from one of the following:
Note: When accessing the Folio History for invoices from within an AR Account, (AR > Account Maintenance > Account Select > Select Invoice(s) > Options > Folio History), only the folio history records associated with the selected invoices are displayed.
From/To Date. The date range on the folio, up to 30 days.
Payee Name. The name of the company, agent, source, or other entity responsible for paying the bill. This might be the last name of the guest or the name on a posting master, etc.
Folio No. The number assigned to the folio by OPERA at the time it is prepared.
Guest John Doe stays in the hotel and Apex Company is paying for Bed & Breakfast, which is being routed to Billing screen window 2. Other expenses are being paid by the guest himself and are charged on Billing screen window 1.
The folio for window 1 is being paid by John Doe.
The folio for window 2 is being paid by Apex Company.
In the folio history, when searching on the guest's name, only the folio for window 1 will show.
When searching on Apex, only the folio for window 2 will show.
When searching by room number, both folios will show.
TA Rec. Loc. Travel agent record locator on the reservation. Available when the RESERVATIONS > TA RECORD LOCATOR application parameter is set to Y. Two or more reservations can have the same TA record locator, in which case folios for all matching reservations are returned.
Confirmation Number. The reservation confirmation number.
Credit Card Number. Manually enter, or swipe the guest's credit card, to search for the reservation by the credit card number attached to the reservation. When the credit card icon displays at the end of the field, the Credit Card Vault functionality is active. See Credit Card Vault for details.
Note: For security reasons, if a credit card is swiped with the cursor in this field, the number associated with the credit card is initially displayed as a series of asterisks. The asterisks will resolve to the actual number once the Search button is selected.
Fiscal Bill No. (Available when the CASHIERING > FISCAL FOLIO PRINTING and CASHIERING > DISPLAY FISCAL BILL NUMBER application parameters are set to Y.) Enter the fiscal bill number of the folio you want to find.
Invoice No. Enter the Invoice Number to search for. Only one invoice number can be entered and the complete invoice number must be entered. For example, if you want to search for invoice number 56789, then 56789 must be entered.
Search Filter Check Boxes. Select the check boxes that correspond to the types of folio you want to display. (These options are not available when you access the Folio History screen from the AR Account Maintenance screen Account Posting Options menu, from the Deposit Cancellation screen Folio button, or from the Commission Processing screen Options menu.):
Print Phone Details. Select this check box to print the telephone details (number called, duration of the call, date and time of the call). Otherwise, telephone charges will be summarized on a single line for each day of the guest's stay.
Note: Columns in this grid can be sorted by clicking on the column header except Name, Alt. Name, Folio Amount, and Folio Type.
X. An X in this column indicates that the folio has been selected for previewing or printing. You can select as many folios as you like for processing. To select a folio, click in this column or highlight the entry and press the spacebar. If selecting more than one, upon previewing only one folio will be displayed at a time. When you close the Acrobat Reader, the next folio will be previewed. Upon printing, all selected folios will be printed. (To print or preview a single folio, you can simply highlight the folio without marking an X in this column.)
Folio Number. The number assigned to the folio by OPERA at the time it was prepared.
Date. The date on the folio. This is the check out date for guests; for passers by, it is the date of the transaction; for AR invoices, it is the date the AR invoice was created.
Color. Depending on the setting for the RESERVATIONS > RESERVATION COLOR CODES application setting, displays the user defined color associated with the Reservation, Market Code, or VIP Level as a quick reference to the user. (See Reservation Color Codes, Market Codes, or VIP Levels for details).
Name. The name of the guest or posting master as it appears on the reservation. For Post It receipts, the Post It receipt number appears here.
Alt. Name. If the GENERAL > EXTENDED BYTE application parameter is set to Y, multiple-byte character sets can be used to enter names in languages that require extended-byte (for example, Chinese). If the profile includes a double-byte name, it appears in this field.
Window. The number of the Billing screen window which contained the transactions included in the folio. A separate folio is prepared for each window. For example, if the guest had 3 Billing screen windows at the time of check out, 3 records would appear in the folio history — one for each window.
Note: If the CASHIERING > FOLIO NO REPRINT application parameter is set to Y, a new folio number is assigned each time the folio is printed. In this case, there would be 3 folio history entries for a single window if the folio for that window was printed 3 times.
Folio Amount. The total amount of the folio (i.e., Billing screen window).
Folio Type. Credit bill folio type. This column appears when the Folio History screen is accessed from within AR and the Cashiering > Credit Bill application parameter is set to Y.
Queue Name. (Displayed if the Country Mode field in Configuration > Property > Property Details is set to one of a specific group of Latin American countries.) The folio numbering queue, if any, used for this folio. (See Folio Print Tasks for details.) By using queues, you can use different numbering sequences for the same folio type depending on the printer selected for the print task.
Payee Name. The name of the person or organization responsible for payment of the bill. This may be different from the guest named on the reservation (shown in the Name field). For example, charges to a specific guest Billing screen window can be billed to the guest's company. The Payee Name may also be different from the name of the guest on the reservation if the charges were made by a guest whose profile was later merged with the profile of the guest shown in the Name field.
Invoice. For direct billing, the Accounts Receivable invoice number.
Fiscal Bill No. (Available when the CASHIERING > FISCAL FOLIO PRINTING and CASHIERING > DISPLAY FISCAL BILL NUMBER application parameters are set to Y.) The fiscal bill number of the folio.
Room. The guest's room number.
Associated Folios. When the CASHIERING > CREDIT BILL application function is set to Y, this field displays the associated Folio Type and Bill Number of the associated Credit Bill Note.
Convert. (Available only when the country mode is set to IT [Italy], and with the associated user permission.) Convert one folio type to another (for example, convert ricevuta to fattura) before printing or previewing.
Note: Folios can be customized using merge codes that show amounts in a reference currency (usually the guest's national currency) along with amounts in the property's local currency. When reprinting folios, the folio generation date is used as the reference date for determining the exchange rate applied when computing amounts in the reference currency.
Credit Bill. Prepare a credit bill to be associated with the highlighted folio. (Available when the CASHIERING > CREDIT BILL application function is set to Y.) You can only prepare a credit bill for up to the remaining amount on the original bill. See Credit Bill for details. When a credit bill is highlighted in the search results grid, the Credit Bill button is not available because a credit bill cannot be associated with another credit bill.
Note: The Credit Bill button will be disabled if:
- The user does not have the CREDIT_BILL permission assigned.
- No records are displayed in the Folio History screen grid.
- The amount of the selected folio is less than or equal to 0.
- The selected folio was generated on the current business date for a charge other than a deposit. A property can create a credit bill on a deposit only when the deposit was made on the current business date and the reservation is not Checked In, Cancelled, or Checked Out.
Resend. Regenerates and sends a fiscal XML for the selected folio to the fiscal executable. This is available when the CASHIERING > RESEND FISCAL FOLIO application parameter is set to Y.
Folio. Display the Folio Options screen so you can preview, fax, email or print folios. This screen allows you to choose a date or range of dates to process folios, as well as select the folio style for the folios. The original name of the payee or guest is displayed on the reprint of the folio, as the name can't be modified after a folio has been printed when the PROFILES > RESTRICT PROFILE NAME CHANGE AFTER FOLIO CREATION application parameter is active. (This button is unavailable if the CASHIERING > VOID BILL application parameter is set to Y and the highlighted folio has been voided.)
Note: The Preview, Email, Fax and File buttons are not available on the Folio Options screen if more than one folio has been selected on the Folio History screen. When emailing an AR, passerby, Post It, or credit folio, the Other Folios delivery method specifications will be used. (See Delivery Methods for details.)
Note: When Previewing or Printing a Credit Bill from Folio History, OPERA uses the Passerby Folio. This is due to Credit Bills being associated with profiles and not with resv_name_id.
Note: When the Cashiering > Permanent Folio Storage application parameter is set to Y, the Cashiering>Folio Printing application setting is set to ALWAYS, and a folio is generated. An exact copy of the folio that is generated is stored in a subfolder of the Export folder at a location, for example D:\micros\opera\export\<schema_name>\<resort>\folios\<business date>, and will be titled by either the business date or the file name convention that was configured by the Cashiering>Permanent Folio Storage File Name Format application setting when the folio was generated and an internally generated FOLIO_ATTACHMENT_LINK_ID will always be added to the end of the file name to ensure that the file name is unique. But if the Cashiering > Folio Printing application is set to YES, then when the folio is printed, emailed, or faxed at the time of generation, it will be stored. If the Cashiering > Folio Printing application is set to NO, then the folio will not be stored.
A COPY watermark is added to all folios when they are stored in the permanent folio storage as subsequent reprints are always copies. The watermark is translatable.
Once a folio has been stored then it can no longer be modified such as folio style, date range, summary currency, folio text, etc.
For folios that were created before the Permanent Folio Storage functionality was activated, they will be re-generated and NOT stored as a PDF when printed or viewed from Folio History.
See Also