Generic Business Rules to-from OPERA PMS and Trust
Trust 1-Way
Trust to OPERA PMS
- Reservations with profiles are only downloaded from Trust CRS.
- Number of rooms per reservation cannot be greater than 1, as the following split of rooms in OPERA PMS cannot update the CRS records in a one-way reservation download.
- Only individual reservations will be downloaded
- Reservations created in CRS can be modified or canceled in PMS
- Reservations that are deleted in CRS will be sent as cancels.
- Waitlist reservations will not be downloaded
- Day-use reservations will not be downloaded
- Rate discounts will be accepted and displayed in PMS when downloaded. The handling of rate discounts will depend on OXI and PMS parameters. Refer to mapping table for details.
- Cancellations cannot be reinstated in CRS
- No-shows cannot be reinstated in CRS
- Reservation changes are downloaded as full reservations with all current details. The existing PMS information can be fully overlaid with the modification message.
- The downloaded source code will be the only identifier of the originating system in OPERA PMS.
- Downloaded special requests for reservation will be linked to the reservation record and will be inserted with the matching preference type and code.
- Share reservations are not supported by Trust CRS and will not be downloaded.
- There can be a Trace created and inserted on the Reservation. Traces were handled in the Others Default tab
OPERA PMS to Trust
- Z-File Response messages are sent up, in response to downloaded reservations.
Trust 2-Way
The Trust 2-Way’s Generic Business rules have been listed here for convenience, as it does not currently utilize all functionality normally available in a Full 2-Way interface.
Trust to OPERA PMS
- Reservations with profiles are only download from Trust CRS
- Number of rooms per reservation cannot be greater than 1, as the following split of rooms in OPERA PMS cannot update the CRS records in a one-way reservation download.
- Only individual reservations will be downloaded
- Reservations created in CRS can be modified or canceled in PMS
- Reservations that are deleted in CRS will be sent as cancels.
- Waitlist reservations will not be downloaded
- Day-use reservations will not be downloaded
- Rate discounts will be accepted and displayed in PMS when downloaded. The handling of rate discounts will depend on OXI and PMS parameters.
- Cancellations cannot be reinstated in CRS
- No-shows cannot be reinstated in CRS
- Reservation changes are downloaded as full reservations with all current details. The existing PMS information can be fully overlaid with the modification message.
- The downloaded source code will be the only identifier of the originating system in OPERA PMS.
- Downloaded special requests for reservation will be linked to the reservation record and will be inserted with the matching preference type and code. Multiple special codes will come with a maximum of 3 from TRUST CRS. The interface will create one record for each preference type that is downloaded.
- Share reservations are not supported by Trust CRS and will not be downloaded.
o However, additional names will be sent in comments from Trust CRS, to alert hotel users of additional guest names.
o In a multi-room reservation, all reservations will have the same name of the person that appears in the actual reservation after splitting.
- Reservation comments will be sent from CRS as RESERVATION comments
- Payment Method is not sent from Trust default from OXI Reservations default for Payment Method will be used and warning will be issued when this is done.
OPERA PMS to Trust
- Rates will be uploaded to Trust CRS. Rate Code will already have to be created before in CRS to be accepted
- Profiles will be uploaded to CRS
- Inventory messages will be uploaded
- OOO (Out of Order)
- Sell Limit; House and by Room Type
- Rate Restriction messages will be uploaded
- Resync messages for Inventory and Rate Restrictions though OXI will be available for upload
- Reservation Result messages are sent up but are not picked up by Trust CRS.