Generic Business Rules for OPERA PMS from Marsha
Booking Types – MARSHA Only
A contiguous reservation is normally created when a guest is experiencing a rate change during the stay at the hotel. It can be identified when the departure date of the 1st segment equals the arrival date of the 2nd segment. When a rate plan changes during a guest’s stay, multiple rate details are created to change the rate code, the rate amount, and the market segment in PMS.
Multiple bookings in PMS created by one booking from MARSHA. Several bookings (different dates) for the same guest will get the same CRS number from MARSHA to indicate they belong to the same GNR (itinerary booking). Adding a segment to an itinerary booking in MARSHA creates an add-on reservation in PMS; just getting the same MARSHA CRS number as original booking.
A mini hotel has to be created in MARSHA first. The mini hotel code can be three alphanumeric characters and should be re-usable. The same block code needs to be used in PMS for the block creation. Elastic blocks can be used and are supported by Marsha.
Complimentary reservations must come from a mini hotel code (CMP). This is the hard- coded standard code for all comp reservations. In PMS we do not need to create a block, but will recognize all bookings made with code ‘CMP’ as comps. The CMP mini hotel in MARSHA has the code ‘E’ attached to it. This stands for extending mini hotel.
KDATE. This is the date from today + 355 days, which is the maximum future availability.
A KDATE is the last possible current booking date in MARSHA’s inventory, 355 days ahead. If a mini hotel has an (E) assigned, the block will extend with each new week of inventory when KDATE changes. This is similar to PMS’ cut-off days in a block header. KDATE is the last date of inventory in MARSHA. This date is today + 350-355 depending on the current day of the week.
Sample: For today 04/30/99 : LAST DATE IN INVENTORY = 15APR, “OF DAYS IN INVENTORY=352
There is also an Extended Mini-hotel Inventory Period, known as KGROUP. This is defined as 104 weeks total inventory, including last week, this week, and 102 weeks into the future. A brand can access the Extended Mini-hotel Inventory only if they have chosen to do so, and a MARSHA switch determines this.
A multi room reservation is already split in Marsha before download to OXI. The parent reservation (original) will reference all ‘child’ reservations’ PMR remarks. All ‘child’ reservations will reference the PMR remarks of all ‘siblings’ and parent reservation.
CRR – Central Reservations reference
PMR – Property management reference.
Once published, the PMS reference key element cannot be modified. It is the responsibility of the PMS to retain the same PMR throughout the lifetime of one GNR/folio relationship.
There are three types of Response messages, Message Acknowledgment, Response with additional data and Error Responses.
Message acknowledgment. This is the MARACK present in the INT component of the transaction section. This is an acknowledgment that a transaction was successful. MARACK messages will consist of a Transaction section only.
Response with additional data. Response contains some data also with it. These messages will be marked as response in the INT component and will carry the transaction type identifier BKGMOD instead of MARACK.
Error response. MARSHA returns error response on encountering a problem in the message sent by PMS. Error response could be due to–(see below bullets)
Each MARSHA reservation file comes with a request/response flag in the INT component, (RQ) for request, (RS) for response, (ER) for error. All (RS) records will be ignored and for the (ER) records, an error message will be written into the Error Log depending on the contents of the (ERC) component. The transaction type describes the type of message sent.
BKGADD. A new reservation in MARSHA or PMS is considered to be a Booking Add.
BKGMOD. A Booking Modification is considered to be a change to an existent reservation. A BKGADD has to have been sent before.
ACCPUB. The ACCPUB message can only be generated by PMS. It is a message responding to a BKGADD coming from MARSHA. Within the ACCPUB message PMS distributes the confirmation number (PMR).
CONPUB. MARSHA can only generate the CONPUB message. It is a message responding to a BKGADD coming from PMS. Within the CONPUB message MARSHA distributes the CRS number.
MARACK. The MARACK message can be generated either by MARSHA or by PMS. It is a general acknowledgment message that signifies that a transaction has been received and applies to all message types.
NOSHOW. No-show message generated in PMS only and sent to MARSHA. This message is generated if the guest has not arrived at the hotel and therefore the guest is considered a no-show. The same general rules for message construction will be followed as for other messages in the standard interface. The booking section will include the CRR component referencing the MARSHA GNR. PMS components will be included in both booking and product sections. The ARS component contains a new change status action code.
XX. A Request to delete data
NN. A Request to add data
CS. A Change Status (Only for no-show)
=. This character (=) is equal to, No Change Information inside the various sections needs to be marked with either one of those codes