Guest Ledger (guest_ledger with GEN1.FMX)
The Guest Ledger Report displays the current balance associated with in-house guests for today. The output includes the guest room numbers and is sorted by guest name. The results of the report are displayed separated by the selected reservation statuses. The Checked-In section displays all checked in reservations, including those that have a zero balance. The Checked Out section displays all checked out reservations with a balance, as well as those that have a zero balance if they are checked out with open folio. All of the other sections only display reservations with a balance greater than zero.
Resv. Status. By default, all reservation statuses are included in the report. To filter specific reservation statuses, select the down arrow to open a Reservation Status list of values from which multiple reservation statuses can be chosen.
Show Lease Balance. Available when the Rates > Apartment Style Billing application function is set to Y, select this check box to include a Lease Balance column on the report. This column will display the posted lease amount for guests whose rate code is an ASB Rate. The Lease Balance is the asb_flag transaction indicator marks each charge in the FINANCIAL_TRANSACTIONS table. Transactions that are flagged as [N]ightly Rental Posting and [W]aived Nights Rental Posting are included in the Lease Balance amount.
Room No. Guest's room number
Name. Guest's name. last name first.
Conf No. Reservation confirmation number.
Lease Balance. Available when the Rates > Apartment Style Billing application function is set to Y. Amount of total lease amount that has been posted. At the start of the billing cycle and when the Cashiering > Only Post Taxes Once for Apartment Style Billing Charges application parameter is set to Y, this amount only includes the NET lease amount and no credit taxes will be included.
Note: When the Rates > Apartment Style Billing application function is set to Y, the asb_flag transaction indicator marks each charge in the FINANCIAL_TRANSACTIONS table. Transactions that are flagged as [N]ightly Rental Posting and [W]aived Nights Rental Posting are included in the Lease Balance amount. Balance includes transactions that are flagged [A]partment Style Rental Cycle and [O]ffsetting Transactions for Rental Charge for an Apartment Style Rental Cycle, which includes the lump sum total lease amount.
When using the Show Lease Balance report option, the report includes a Lease Balance amount column and a Balance column. If the reservation does not have an ASB rate, the Lease Balance amount will be equal to the Balance amount.
Balance. Guest's total balance.
Report without Lease Balance Displayed
Report with Lease Balance Displayed