Guest Balance Snapshot (guest_balance_snapshot with GENREPPAR.FMX)
The Guest Balance Snapshot report displays a picture of the property’s open balances for the current business date/time. The report output shows up to the minute balances including Pre Stay and Post Stay charges (Available when CASHIERING > PRE STAY CHARGES and CASHIERING > POST STAY CHARGES application functions are set to Y). The report also prints with a check box and a comment section for each record, which makes it perfect for any kind of audit processes. The report can be scheduled to run at a certain time using the Report Scheduler.
Note: Pre Stay Charges that are posted to a reservation that is scheduled to check in in the future (not on the current business date) will show once the EOD process has been run for the day the charges were posted.
Note: This report can automatically be run during the End of Day procedure by adding it to the Final Reports step. See Final Reports for setup details. The report can be reprinted with its original data but it cannot be regenerated for a past date.
Check Box. Displayed to allow a manual check mark to be added to indicate that the line item was checked.
Room No. Room number assigned to the reservation.
Name. Name, First Name and Title attached to the reservation.
Prs. Total number of persons that are included in the reservations.
Adl. Out of the total number of persons for the reservations, this is the number of adults.
Chl. Out of the total number of persons for the reservations, this is the number of children.
Arr. Date. Arrival date of the reservation.
Dep. Date. Departure date of the reservation.
Debit. Amount of debit on the reservation.
Credit. Amount of credit on the reservation.
Balance. Balance amount on the Reservation. If a reservation has multiple Billing windows attached to it, then this column displays the total of all the windows. Comp Accounting (available with add-on license OPP_GCA) windows are not considered for this report.
Non-Room Rev. Amount of revenue on the reservation that is non-room revenue, including generates.
Pay Mth. Payment Method attached to the reservation. In case multiple Payment Methods are attached, the report will display the Payment Method that is currently showing on the Reservation screen.
Res. Status. Current status of the reservation.
Rate Code. Rate Code attached to the reservation.
Rate. Current Rate amount being applied to the reservation when the report was ran.
Nat. Nationality attached to the guest profile.
Comments. Displayed in order to allow for manual comments to be added to the line item.