House Status (hkroomstatusbytype with GENREPPAR.FMX)
The House Status Report displays all the movements for the day for each room type. It changes automatically, as the house status changes. Here you can see the current status and forecasted status for each room type, summarized by Room Type and broken down by the number of Arrivals, Vacancies, Departures, and Occupied rooms. Print this report as a statistical summary to see all house activity during the day.
The Inspected row under Vacant Rooms and Occupied Rooms is displayed if the Rooms Management>Inspected Status application function is set to Y.
The Out of Order row is displayed under Vacant Rooms and Occupied Rooms when the Rooms Management>Out of Order application function is set to Y.
The Out of Service row is displayed under Vacant Rooms and Occupied Rooms when the Rooms Management>Out of Service application function is set to Y.