
How To Balance Inventory Between Holidex CRS and OPERA

Records will be displayed on the reservation comparison screen based on priority in this order:

1. Reservations that have no CRS number appearing only on the (OPERA Details) side

REASON: The reservation has never made it to Holidex because it was never sent or it failed in Holidex. This also applied to block reservations if the block cannot be built in Holidex.

CHECK: In the OXI Message Status, go to MESSAGES TO EXTERNAL SYSTEM. Search for the OPERA Ref No. If you find records with status SUCCESS, Holidex should have that reservation. Search in Holidex if you can find it.

ACTION: If Holidex has the reservation but the CRS number never made it successfully to OPERA, cancel the reservation in OPERA and then send it down again from Holidex.

CHECK: Still in the OXI message status and searching for the OPERA Ref No, you find records with status FAILED. This indicates that Holidex has rejected the booking. Look at the exact Holidex responses to detect why the booking was rejected.

ACTION: You may be able to resolve the problem in the OPERA reservation or through correct conversion entries in OXI. Then, upload the reservation from the reservation comparison screen in order to synchronize.

ACTION: If the reservation failed in Holidex because the block was not built properly at the time the reservation was sent, you could try to upload it again from the reservation comparison to see if the block has been corrected and the reservation goes through now. If that does not work try to resync the entire block with OXI’s resync utility. Once the block is built, try to resync this specific reservation again.

2. Reservations that have a CRS number appearing only on the (External System Details) side

REASON:  The reservation was rejected by OXI when downloading from Holidex

REASON: The reservation shares in OPERA now with another CRS number and the original reservation with this CRS number was never canceled in Holidex.

REASON: reservation with same CRS number exists in OPERA but for a different date range. The date change did not make it back to Holidex and therefore you see a lonely record here.

REASON: OPERA had uploaded that reservation but the CRS number update failed.

REASON: The reservation is Canceled or No-show in OPERA

CHECK: It is very likely that the PMS reservation exists as single record as well, or has potentially already duplicated the reservation in Holidex again when it was auto resynced after the night audit. In the OXI message status, go to MESSAGES FROM EXTERNAL SYSTEM. Search for the Ext Ref No. If you find records with status SUCCESS, OPERA should have that reservation. Try to locate it in OPERA with the CRS number. You may find it but with different dates, which explains that it does not appear on the reservation comparison for that date.

ACTION:  If your OPERA dates and reservation details are accurate for this guest, try to upload it again to Holidex. You can do this through the OXI Resync option ‘reservation’. Enter the CRS number for resync here. Check under OXI message status ‘Messages from external system’ if Holidex has accepted the booking. If not, identify what the error says and whether you can resolve this. The OXI user manual has an appendix with known Holidex errors and you may find the solution there.

CHECK:  In the OXI message status, go to MESSAGES FROM EXTERNAL SYSTEM. Search for the Ext Ref No. If you find records with status SUCCESS, OPERA should have that reservation. Try to locate it in OPERA with CRS number and if not found, with the name and arrival date. The reservation may exist but share with other guests now, in which case it can carry another CRS number.

ACTION:  If your OPERA dates and reservation details are accurate for this share reservation, try to upload it again to Holidex. You can do this through the OXI Resync option Reservation. Enter the CRS number for resync here. Check under OXI message status ‘Messages from external system’ if Holidex has accepted the booking. If not, identify what the error says and whether you can resolve this. The OXI user manual has an appendix with known Holidex errors and you may find the solution there.

ACTION:  It is also important that you cancel this reservation in Holidex in case it was found to be a sharer in OPERA. Run the Reservation Comparison in OXI again and cancel this reservation using the button CANCEL EXTERNAL. You could also go to Holidex and cancel directly from here. The cancel message will fail in OXI, as the reservation with that CRS number no longer exists in OPERA. That failure can be ignored, as you know the circumstances.

CHECK: In the OXI message status, go to MESSAGES TO EXTERNAL SYSTEM. Search for the Ext Ref No. If you find records with status FAILED, OPERA has rejected that reservation. Look at the error message for the explanation.

ACTION:  Use the DOWNLOAD button on the reservation comparison. Check under OXI message status MESSAGES TO EXTERNAL SYSTEM if OXI has accepted the booking. If not, you can correct the booking in Holidex and try to download it again.

3. Reservations that have a CRS number appearing only on the (OPERA Details) side

REASON:  The reservation exists in both systems but has different dates

REASON: Holidex has this reservation canceled

REASON: OPERA has shared this reservation after its creation and has thus changed the CRS number on it. The share did not make it successfully to Holidex.

REASON: Reservation is a party booking that was split on the arrival day, and the new CRS number could not be updated properly. In this case it would keep its old CRS number.

CHECK: In the OXI message status, go to MESSAGES TO EXTERNAL SYSTEM. Search for the OPERA Ref No. If you find records with status SUCCESS, Holidex should have that reservation. Search in Holidex if you can find it with that CRS number.

ACTION:  if Holidex has the reservation active with that CRS number but on different dates, check which system has the more accurate data and send the reservation from the more accurate system again. Check in the OXI message status if the reservation transmittal was successfully now. Your reservation comparison record for this booking should disappear.

CHECK:  Still in the OXI message status and searching for the OPERA Ref No. If you find records with status SUCCESS, Holidex should have that reservation. Search in Holidex if you can find it with that CRS number and if not search for it by dates, name, PMS number.

ACTION:  If Holidex has the reservation but canceled, determine whether the reservation should in fact be canceled or active. If it should be canceled, you have to cancel it in OPERA as well. If it should be active, simply upload it from OPERA to Holidex again. If Holidex rejects the booking, cancel it in OPERA as well and rebook it newly so that it will receive a new CRS number.

CHECK:  Still in the OXI message status and searching for the OPERA Ref No, you find records with status FAILED. This indicates that Holidex has rejected the booking. Look at the exact Holidex responses to detect why the booking was rejected. The OXI user manual has an appendix with known Holidex errors and you may find the solution there.

ACTION:  You may be able to resolve the problem in the OPERA reservation or through correct conversion entries in OXI. Then, upload the reservation from the reservation comparison screen in order to synchronize.

ACTION:  For a share reservation that did not upload successfully the first time, you can try to resync it with the OXI reservation resync utility. Enter the CRS number for resync here. Check under OXI message status MESSAGES FROM EXTERNAL SYSTEM if Holidex has accepted the booking. If not, identify what the error says and whether you can resolve this. The OXI user manual has an appendix with known Holidex errors and you may find the solution there.

4. Reservations that have a CRS number appearing on both sides, (External System Detail) and (OPERA Detail)

What action should you perform for records that exist in both systems but are discrepant?