
Interfacing Shares Between ORS and V6 PMS

  1. V6 PMS to ORS
    • Combine an existing reservation with a profile to share in V6 PMS (B Share)
      • A reservation exists in PMS and ORS and carries CRS and PMS numbers in both systems.
      • In V6 PMS, the (B Share) option is used to add a share to that existing reservation.
      • The following messages are sent to ORS:
      • New profile for shared guest
      • New reservation for shared guest
      • Edit reservation for shared guest
      • Edit reservation for existing guest
      • The result in ORS is that both reservations are shared but carry different CRS and PMS numbers. They have the same data for room type, rate code, market code, source code, payment method, and reservation type. The rate amount is split as indicated in the V6 share.
    • Combine two separate reservations to share in V6 PMS (Combine Share)
      • Two reservations exist in PMS and ORS and carry the PMS and CRS numbers in both systems.
      • The two reservations are now shared in V6 PMS using the ‘Combine Share’ option.
      • The following messages are sent to ORS:
      • A combine share message that contains the separate PMS and CRS numbers of both reservations. The RoomStay object is empty to retain each sharer’s own details. Only each sharer’s PMS, CRS number, and stay dates are shown. The message contains to names.
      • A second combine share message with the same details as the first one.
      • The result in ORS is that both reservations are shared but retain their separate CRS and PMS numbers.
      • The sharers have separate data for rate code, res type, and payment method. The rate amount is split as indicated in the V6 share. The market and source codes will remain the same in all share reservations, as these are stored on the reservation_daily_elements level.
    • Break share in V6 PMS
      • Two reservations are shared in V6 PMS and ORS. They have separate CRS and PMS numbers.
      • In V6, the shares are broken using the BREAK SHARE option.
      • The following messages are sent to ORS:
      • A break share message containing the PMS and CRS number of one reservation.
      • A second break share message containing the PMS and CRS number of the second reservation.
      • The result in ORS is that both reservations are unshared now and have retained their respective CRS and PMS numbers.
    • Cancel share in V6 PMS
      • Two reservations are shared in V6 PMS and ORS. They have separate CRS and PMS numbers.
      • In V6, one sharer is canceled.
      • The following messages are sent to ORS:
      • A full cancellation message for one sharer is sent.
      • A break share message for the remaining reservation in ORS is sent.
      • If more than 2 reservations share a room and only one guest is canceled, the cancellation message is the only message sent, as the remaining reservation still shares.
      • The result in ORS is that one reservation is canceled and the other reservation is unshared.
    • Creating a block rooming list with shares in V6 PMS
      • A block exists in V6 PMS and ORS.
      • In V6, a rooming list is entered for this block with two sharing guests per room.
      • The following messages are sent to ORS:
      • One message with action type SPLIT that contains the profile of the main sharer and one RoomStay object based on the main sharer. The reservation IDs for both sharers are included.
      • A profile message for the secondary sharer in this reservation.
      • The result in ORS is that one share reservation is picked up from the block.
  2. ORS to V6 PMS
    • Combine an existing reservation with a profile to share in ORS
      • A reservation exists in PMS and ORS and carries CRS and PMS numbers in both systems.
      • In ORS, the (Combine Share option) is used to add a share to that existing reservation.
      • The following messages are sent toV6 PMS:
      • New reservation for the shared guest with all profile details included
      • Combine share message that contains the CRS numbers of the two shared reservations. OPERA also created a CRS share ID for both sharers. The RoomStay contains only market code, source code, reservation type, and channel code. No profile parts are contained in the message.
      • The result in V6 is that both reservations are shared but carry different CRS and PMS numbers. They have the same data for room type, rate code, market code, source code, payment method, and reservation type. The rate amount is split as indicated in the ORS share.
    • Combine two separate reservations to share in ORS
      • Two reservations exist in PMS and ORS and carry the PMS and CRS numbers in both systems.
      • The two reservations are now shared in ORS using the ‘Combine Share’ option.
      • The following message is sent to V6 PMS:
      • A combine share message that contains the separate PMS and CRS numbers of both reservations. The RoomStay contains only market code, source code, reservation type, and channel code. No profile parts are contained in the message.
      • The result in V6 PMS is that both reservations are shared but retain their separate CRS and PMS numbers.
      • The sharers have separate data for rate code, market code, source code, res type, and payment method.  The rate amount is split as indicated in the ORS share.
    • Break share in ORS
      • Two reservations are shared in V6 PMS and ORS. They have separate CRS and PMS numbers.
      • In ORS, the shares are broken using the (Break Share option).
      • The following message is sent to V6 PMS:
      • A break share message containing the PMS and CRS number of the broken reservation. This also contains the full RoomStay object for this reservation.
      • The result in V6 PMS is that both reservations are unshared now and have retained their respective CRS and PMS numbers.
    • Cancel share in ORS
      • Two reservations are shared in V6 PMS and ORS. They have separate CRS and PMS numbers.
      • In ORS, one sharer is canceled.
      • The following message is sent to V6 PMS:
      • A full cancellation message for one sharer is sent with all details.
      • The result in V6 PMS is that one reservation is canceled and the other reservation is unshared, however they still show a share number in the PMS.
    • Creating a block rooming list with shares in ORS
      • A block exists in V6 PMS and ORS.
      • In ORS, a rooming list is entered for this block with three sharing guests in one room.
      • The following messages are sent to V6 PMS:
      • A new reservation for each sharing guest is sent.
      • A combine message is sent for each sharer added to the main reservation. For the first sharer the confirmation numbers of main reservation and first sharer are visible. For the second sharer another reservation is sent with confirmation number of main reservation and other sharers now.
      • The result in V6 PMS is that one share reservation consisting of three guests is picked up from the block.

See Also