How to Setup Specific Functionality in OXI_HUB
Extended Byte Functionality for Profiles Transmitted From ORS to External Systems and Back
Double Byte Character Sets (DBCS) or also called extended bytes. They are needed to display languages such as Chinese, Japanese,Korean, Arab, etc. These will be referred to as extended byte languages, which means they are using two positions per letter in a data field where a single byte language would only use one position per letter in a data field. Languages such as English, French, German, Italian, etc are known as single byte languages.
Configuration in ORS
- In ORS, go to Setup>System Configuration>Setup>Application Settings>General. Select Functions and activate the function called PROFILE LANGUAGE.
- The activation of profile language displays another function called ALTERNATE NAME. Activate this as well.
- Still in system configuration, go to Property>Property Details>and select the property that should receive extended bytes. Edit the property and select the tab Configuration. The extended byte language can be selected here.
Functionality description for OXI_HUB
- Once the ORS functions have been activated, the OXI_HUB processor needs to be restarted to recognize the new functionality. Login to the Central Interface machine and on the IFC Monitor select Queue Service to stop. Once the color changes from Green>Yellow>Red, select Queue Service again to start. Or go to Start>Programs>Interface Monitor to access the IFC Monitor if not on screen.
- For OPERA PMS, the XML profile message object NationalName will contain the extended byte language name, while the name in single byte language will be transmitted in the original XML profile object IndividualName.
- For V6/V7 PMS, the original XML profile message object IndividualName will contain the extended byte language name directly concatenated behind the single byte language name. Extended bytes for last and first names will BOTH be concatenated into the XML tag NameSur, directly behind the single byte last name and separated with a space. The reason for this is that V6 PMS can only search on the last name.
- The XML profile message tag AltLanguage within the object PostalAddress is used for the transmission of the extended byte language that applies to the respective address.
Profiles from ORS to External System:
- OXI_HUB will check the receiving property's language code in the ORS property detail configuration
- If the alternate language selected in the profile extended byte name is the same as the property language in the property detail, OXI_HUB will send the single byte and the extended byte names in the XML message.
- If the alternate language in the profile extended byte name is empty, OXI_HUB will only send the single byte language name.
- If any of the address records in the profile has the address language equal to the property language in the property detail, OXI_HUB will send the single byte and the extended byte addresses.
- If none of the address records in the profile has a corresponding language code, OXI_HUB will only send the single byte addresses.
- For V6 PMS OXI_HUB will send only one of the corresponding addresses, either the one where the address language equals the property language, or otherwise the address that is marked as primary.
Profiles from External System to ORS:
- OXI_HUB will check if the ALTERNATE NAME function in ORS is activated
- Next OXI_HUB will check if the property language from the ORS property detail is the same as the XML tag AltLanguage content. If they are equal, OXI_HUB will update the ORS profile with single byte and extended byte language names, and create all addresses with their respective address language codes.
- If the ORS property language is not the same as the XML tag AltLanguage content, OXI_HUB will only update the single byte language name and create only the single byte addresses.
- If the ALTERNATE NAME function is not active for that property, OXI_HUB will only update the single byte language name and create only the single byte addresses.
OXI_HUB Profile Handling for Non-MICROS Interfaces:
Important! For non-MICROS interfaces, profiles will only come as part of a reservation message.
Previously, when a reservation message was processed, the profile data in the message was processed using a OXI related profile code, not an OXI_HUB profile related code; resulting in a lack of user defined business logic that could be applied using OXI_HUB profile parameters.
With this change in functionality, the profile data in a reservation message will now be processed using only an OXI_HUB profile code. This allows the OXI_HUB business logic for profile handling to be applied. For example, OXI_HUB Profile parameters, Stage Matching, etc.