Item Inventory Setup - Item Rates
Note: The Rates and Attributes features are available only when the OPS/OPC<version number> Sales and Catering application license is active and when the class to which the item belongs is designated S&C. (See Item Classes for details.)
Item rates can be set in various increments (e.g., by the week, day, or hour); they can be determined individually for each customer at the time the item is booked (custom rates); or possibly, an item might be provided without charge (complementary). The item Rate Name grid on the Item Inventory Setup screen shows rates for the resource item that is highlighted in the Item Name grid. You may also add rates to an item and edit existing rates starting from this grid.
The Item Inventory Setup screen displays when you select System Configuration> Reservations> Item Inventory Setup. The Reservations>Item Inventory application function controls availability of this feature. In Sales & Catering, (OPS/OPC<version number>) access the Item Inventory Setup screen by selecting System Configuration> Catering>Item Inventory Setup. You may access a view-only Item Inventory Setup screen by selecting Business Management>Resource Lookup>Items.)
The following information is displayed in the Rate Name grid for the item highlighted in the Item Name grid.
Name. Rate name.
Hr. A Y in this column indicates that the charge for this item is computed at an hourly rate. N indicates that this item is not computed on an hourly basis.
Amount. Amount charged for this item. If the Hr column is marked with a Y, this amount is multiplied by the number of full or partial hours this item is booked.
D. An X in this column indicates that the rate is the default for this item. Only one rate may be selected as the default. See Adding and Editing Item Rates, below, for details.
To add a new rate, click anywhere in the Rate Name grid and select the New button. To edit an existing rate, double-click the rate you want to modify or highlight the rate and select the Edit button. The Rate - New screen or the Rate- Edit screen appears. (You can also access these screens by selecting the Rates button from the Item - New screen or the Item - Edit screen.)
Rate Code. Select the down arrow to choose one of the listed rate options. The Custom rate code option is provided as part of SID data, but all other codes are configurable (System Configuration>Catering>Catering Codes; select code type Rate. See Catering Codes for details.) The description of the code you select is displayed to the right of the field.
Note: The Custom rate code is internally assigned to items that have no other rate attached. If the item has multiple rate codes attached, you may choose the rate at the time of booking.
Amount. Amount charged for this item. If the Hourly? check box is selected, this amount is a per-hour amount and the total charged to the customer will be computed by the system based on the number of full or partial hours the item is booked.
Hourly. Select this check box if you want the system to compute the amount charged to the customer based on the length of time the item is booked. The amount shown in the Amount field will be multiplied by the number of full or partial hours the item is booked. If this check box is not selected, the amount shown in the Amount field is charged regardless of the time for which the item is booked. If your rate code is other than an hourly rate (e.g., a per-day or per-week rate) it would not be appropriate to select this check box.
Default. Select this check box to set the rate as the default for this item. One attribute and one rate may be selected as the default for an item. When the item is chosen for an event or attached to a reservation, the default rate and attribute are used (if defaults are designated). The default rate and attribute may be edited at the time the item is selected. The default is marked with an X in the D column on the Item Inventory Setup screen.
See Also