
Language Codes

The Translation Studio uses ISO language codes. These codes must be linked to the language that you want to be translated. To do this, select Configuration>Profile>Geographical Data>Languages. Since the base language is English, this is the one exception to the rule. English is not using the ISO code in OPERA because all of the code refers to English as E.

The language code must be unique. For example if S is entered as the language code for Spanish, it cannot be entered as a code again. However multiple language codes can be linked to the same ISO language code. If S is linked to the ISO Code for Spanish (ES), and if a user also wants to create a language code as M linked to the ISO Code ES, this is allowed. The language code selected on the Employee form determines which translation is viewed. If employee “Tom’s” language is set to S, and “Bob’s” is set to M, both will see the Spanish translation since Translation Studio views the ISO language code.

In the situation where there may be two different dialects for the same base language but there is only one ISO language code, contact the Product Management team in Naples for the creation of a second ISO language code.

See Also