Length of Stay (los_forecast with FOR8.FMX)
This report displays a Length of Stay (LOS) forecast based on Room Class or Room Type.
Note: When the OPR <version number> ORS license code is active, the Select Property screen appears prior to the GEN1.FMX screen. Choose the property you want to view and select the OK button. The GEN1.FMX screen appears.
The Lengths of Stay are predetermined at 1 - 4 nights, 5 – 11 nights, 12 – 29 nights and 30+ nights, unless the Application Function of RATE TIERS is active. When this is active, the Lengths of Stay groupings will be based on those configured for the Property in PMS through Configuration>Rate Management>Rate Classifications>Rate Tiers. When the OPR <version number> ORS license code is active, the Lengths of Stays groupings can be configured in ORS through Setup>System Configuration>Rate Management>Rate Classifications>Rate Tiers.
As this is a forecast report, the date range can only be for the current business date forward.
Each Tier will display the Average Daily Rate (ADR) and Number of Rooms Sold. The Subtotals per Room Type/Room Class and the Grand Total will include the Rooms Sold, ADR, Occupancy %, Average LOS, and Rooms Remaining to Sell.
Note: A component suite's Average Daily Rate (ADR) calculation is based on the number of physical rooms making up the component suite.
Output only includes Deduct Rooms; this is for Blocks and Reservations. Block rooms not picked up are therefore only included if the rooms are Deduct from Inventory.
The number to the right of the Room Type will display either physical rooms per Room Class, Room Type, or Total Property; based on what is selected. Additionally, if the filter includes a selection of specific Room Classes or Room Types the number of rooms will only include the selected Room Classes/Types.
From Date and To Date. As this is a forecast report, the date range can only be for the current business date and forward.
In Report Setup and End of Day Reports, the form has spin-up and spin-down buttons to the right of the dates fields. This allows the dates to be configured using offsets to the business date of the property. This allows the property to set as default the number of days the forecast should be run. For example, the report is added to the End of Day Reports, if the spin button of ‘To Date’ was set to 7, the report will automatically run for the current business date plus 7 days forward. If the spin buttons are not used, the report will generate for the current date only.
Room Class. Multi Select LOV for filtering on specific Room Classes. Only include reservations that are made for a room type that is in the selected room class. Available when the General>Room Class application function is set to Y.
Room Type. Multi Select LOV for filtering on specific room types. Only include reservations that are made with a room type that is in the selected room types.
Group By. Based on the Group By selection, the report will print a breakdown by Room Class, Room Type, or display a 'Hotel' summary by LOS (Blank Group by Selection).