Membership Overview
Note: When the OPR<version Number>ORS license code is active, three option buttons appear on the Application Settings screen that affect what Group Functions, Parameters, and Settings will be available.
- The Global option button displays Group Functions/Parameters/Settings that will affect all properties located in all CROs in the ORS database.
- The CRO option button displays Group Functions/Parameters/Settings that will affect all properties located in the CRO selected from the CRO LOV.
- The Property option button displays Group Functions/Parameters/Settings that are available on the property level and will only affect the property selected in the Property LOV.
- AWARD REDEMPTION - Activate the Award Redemption Functionality.
- AWARDS - Activate Guest Award functionality.
- CALCULATE POINTS ON PSEUDO ROOMS - Calculate pseudo points based on the rules setup for the membership type selected in the DEFAULT MEMBERSHIP TYPE setting of the PROFILES Group in application settings.
- ENROLLMENT - Activate Loyalty Program Enrollment option.
- LOOKUP - Perform Central Lookups based on the configuration mode running.
- STAGE PROFILES - Use Match and Merge screen to correct staged profiles.
- YIELD MARKET LOOKUP - Perform a Lookup to obtain Rates based on Yield Market Type.
- AWARDS LOOKUP TIMEOUT - Defines the amount of seconds after which the system/interface will time out if no response has been received from a third party system.
- COST PER POINT DECIMAL - Number of decimals in Cost per Point in membership point calculation rule.
- CUSTOMER VALUE - The UDF selected will define where the Customer Value returned from the 3rd party system is temporarily stored when a Yield Market Lookup is performed.
- DEFAULT ENROLLMENT CODE - Default Enrollment Code to be used with ‘One Click Enrollment’.
- DEFAULT MEMBERSHIP SOURCE - This is the default source of enrollment that will be appended and added to the membership number when CROSS BRAND RECOGNITION parameter is activated.
- ENROLLMENT TYPE - Enrollment systems that are active to OPERA.
- LOOKUP TYPE - Lookup systems that are active to OPERA.
- MEMBER INFO DOWNLOAD RANGE (YEARS) - Number of years for which membership information is summarized.
YIELD MARKET LOOKUP MEMBERSHIP TYPE - When the defined Membership is entered on the Rate Query or Define Search screen, a Yield Market Lookup will be performed.