
No Shows of the Day (nanoshow with GEN1.FMX)

The No Shows of the Day Report is generated during the Night Audit sequence, and displays reservations that were due to arrive today but were not canceled, and the reservation was not canceled during the Night Audit process. Print this report to analyze and determine the action that should be taken - issuing a refund if a deposit has been made, or billing the reserved guest a "no-show" charge.

Selection Criteria

Arrival Date

Date Range. Select a date range that encompasses the entire dates of the No Show reservations to display in the results.


Room Class. When the General>Room Class application function is active, the Multi Select LOV is displayed for filtering on specific room classes.

Only No Show Res. Select to display only no show reservations.

Only No Show Extended Res. Select to display only extended no show reservations.

Both. Select to display both no show and extended reservations.

Report Output

In the report output, if the Reservations>Room Limit Per Reservation application setting is set to 1 and the Reservation>Shares application function is set to N, then the Rms. column will not display.

Potential Stay Revenue takes into account any changes in rate over the course of the proposed stay dates.

No Show Reservations

Room No. Room number of the reservation.

Name. Name of the guest.

Company/Travel Agent/Source. Profiles attached to the reservations.

Arr. Date. Arrival Date assigned to the reservation.

Dep. Date. Departure Date for the reservations.

Room Type. Room Type attached to the reservation.

Mkt. Code. Market Code attached to the reservation.

Res. Type. Type of reservation (4PM, 6PM, CC Guarantee, etc.).

Rate Code. Rate code attached to the reservation.

Rate Amount. Amount applied to the reservation.

Rms. Number of physical rooms attached to the reservation. For Share Reservations only the primary share reservation will be included for this number.

Resv Nts. Only a 0 or 1 will be displayed in this column. A 0 is displayed if the reservation is for Day Use and a 1 based on the dates in the Current Arrival Date and Departure Date columns.

Pot. Stay Revenue. Amount of potential revenue the no show reservation was for the property.

Deposit Paid. Amount of deposit that has been paid on the reservation.

Confirmation No. Confirmation number assigned to the reservation.

CRS No. Central Reservation System number assigned to the reservation.

Block Code. If the reservation is part of a business block, this is the block code that the reservation is a part of.

Pay Mth. Method of payment used to pay for the reservation.

CC Type. If a credit card is selected as the payment method for the reservation, this is the type of credit card being used.

CC Number. If a credit card is selected as the payment method for the reservation, this is the masked number of the credit card being used.

Exp. Date. Masked expiration date for the credit card.

Total Reservations. Total number of reservations for the specific Room Class.

Total Rooms. Total number of rooms that were a no show for the specific Room Class.

Total Nights. Total number of nights that were a no show for the specific Room Class.

Grand Total Reservations. Grand total number of reservations that were a no show.

Grand Total Rooms. Grand total number of rooms that were a no show.

Grand Total Nights. Grand total number of nights that were a no show.

No Show Extended Reservations

Room No. Room number of the reservation.

Name. Name of the guest.

Company/Travel Agent/Source. Profiles attached to the reservations.

Original Arr. Date. Original Arrival Date assigned to the reservation.

Current Arr. Date. Current Arrival Date for the reservation.

Dep. Date. Departure Date for the reservations.

Room Type. Room Type attached to the reservation.

Mkt. Code. Market Code attached to the reservation.

Res. Type. Type of reservation (4PM, 6PM, CC Guarantee, etc.).

Rate Code. Rate code attached to the reservation.

Rate Amount. Amount applied to the reservation.

Rms. Number of physical rooms attached to the reservation. For example, for a Component Room made up of 2 rooms, this will be counted as 2 rooms.

Nts. The number of nights currently on the reservation.

Confirmation No. Confirmation number assigned to the reservation.

CRS No. Central Reservation System number assigned to the reservation.

Block Code. If the reservation is part of a business block, this is the block code that the reservation is a part of.

Pay Mth. Method of payment used to pay for the reservation.

CC Type. If a credit card is selected as the payment method for the reservation, this is the type of credit card being used.

CC Number. If a credit card is selected as the payment method for the reservation, this is the masked number of the credit card being used.

Exp. Date. Masked expiration date for the credit card.

Total Reservations. Total number of reservations for the specific Room Class.

Total Rooms. Total number of rooms that were a no show for the specific Room Class.

Total Nights. Total number of nights that were a no show for the specific Room Class.

Grand Total Reservations. Grand total number of reservations that were a no show.

Grand Total Rooms. Grand total number of rooms that were a no show.

Grand Total Nights. Grand total number of nights that were a no show.