Package Allowance Guests In House (finpkgallow with GEN1.FMX)
The Package Allowance Report displays all guests who have an attached package configured with an allowance. The Allowance and Consumed columns display the cumulative amounts for the reservation's entire stay. The report also displays the membership number and membership type.
Note: Prices and allowances displayed for packages will be the price and allowance from the configuration of the package when it was attached to the reservation. Since the package price and allowance is stored at the reservation level, package prices and allowances can be different from reservation to reservation and from within the Package configuration to the reservation.
Date. Manually enter or select, using the calendar button, the stay date to run the report for, including past dates. Therefore, the report will return all reservations with a package allowance which have a stay date equal to the one entered in this field. This date is not the date for which the allowance was created. The report output will display the cumulative allowance for that reservation, thus far, and the cumulative consumption of the package allowance.
Note: If a report is needed where a day by day breakdown of allowances needs to be displayed, Effective Package Allowance - TB (effpkgallowance_tb.rep) report will be helpful to use.
Membership Type. Multi-select LOV to filter by specific membership types. Only the membership types associated with reservations are displayed in the report.
Package. Multi-select LOV to filter by specific packages.
Order By. Alphabetical, Room No.