
OBI Agents

In OBI, you can create and subscribe to "Agents" that will provide real-time status monitoring to ensure the consistency of OBI data. The BI Agents will execute conditional event-driven actions and send event driven alerts to users who subscribe to them.

You can create BI Agents in both OBI client standalone and cloud installations. A set of pre-configured BI Agents is available to which users can subscribe. You will be able to create Agents, subscribe to them, schedule them to run, define data conditions that determine what actions the Agents execute when conditions are met, and distribute the data analysis to users. Refer to the Oracle BI documentation for the steps on how to create Agents and subscribe to them.

When the Agents generate alerts, an alerts icon will be displayed on the top of the OBI Home page. You can select this icon to view the alerts.

To locate the pre-configured BI Agents in OBI, follow this path: Catalog>Shared Folders>OPERA BI Catalog.

The below areas are available for subscription through BI Agents.


To locate the pre-configured BI Agents in the ADMIN area, follow this path: Catalog>Shared Folders>OPERA BI Catalog>ADMIN>Agents.

Cubes and Dimension Build Process

This agent shows the last business date attempt to build BI cubes. It also shows their statuses and a comparison of the build time to the overall build time average for each cube.

Datamart Failed Messages

This agent shows the status of proceeded and failed data mart messages and the possible reasons for failure.

License Expiration

This agent shows a list of licenses that are going to expire in next 90 days or licenses that were disabled.


To locate the pre-configured BI Agents in the Usage area, follow this path: Catalog>Shared Folders>OPERA BI Catalog>USAGE TRACKING>Agents.

This area uses the existing Usage Tracking Analysis. It is available in the “USAGE TRACKING” shared folder and can be configured for BI Alerts and published for subscriptions. This area contains the following Agents:

Long Running Queries

This agent shows the queries that have run for the longest time.

Longest Running Queries By User

This agent shows the queries that have run for the longest time grouped by user.

Performance By User

This agent shows the performance information grouped by user.

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Creating an Agent