OEDS Group Application Settings
The OEDS Group Application Settings are only available when either the OPG_XXX (for GDS) or OPA_XXX (for ADS) licenses are active.
Highlight the OEDS group and then select the Settings option button to configure the available OEDS settings.
The following settings are available:
ADS IATA - This setting determines which IATA is attached to the ADS reservations. This must be a valid IATA number that is attached to the TA profile. At the Property level, this setting determines which profile is attached to the Expedia reservations. This can be any of the configured profiles in OPERA.
ADS WAIT TIME - This setting determines the fail-over wait time in minutes for the following MICROS ADS services: ARI Resend, ARI Retry, Avh Bridge, and Booking Limit. When the last update time by the service in addition to the time defined in this setting has passed, another instance of the service is allowed to run.
ADS MODE - This setting, which is property specific, determines what mode the OPERA ADS interface should accept incoming reservations. The available values are HOUSE and BLOCK. If HOUSE is selected, then availability will be pulled from House. If BLOCK is selected, then availability will be pulled from the Block. The BLOCK_SEARCH field should be selected on the Channel Setup as well.
Note: This setting is only available for versions 4.0+ . For versions 3.0 up to (but not including) 3.6, this is set up on the Configuration tab of the Property Configuration screen. For versions 3.6 up to (but not including) 4.0, this is set up in the GDS Group Application Settings.
AIRLINE FREQUENT GUEST MEMBERSHIP TYPE - The default airline frequent guest membership type for GDS and ODS channels. This value is used for creating/updating memberships at the time of booking.
AIRPORT CODE - The airport code for the ORS city. This setting cannot be null.
AUTO FREQUENT GUEST MEMBERSHIP TYPE - The default auto frequent guest membership type for GDS and ODS channels. This value is used for creating/updating memberships at the time of booking.
AVH BATCH SIZE - The number of AVH messages to consolidate at a time.
AVH PROCESSING LIMIT - The number of AVH messages to process at a time.
BUSINESS EVENT WAIT TIME - This parameter determines the fail-over wait time in minutes for these business event services: GWIZ Business Event Processor, Gaming Business Event, HTNG Business Event, EAS Business Event and EQC Business Event. When the last update time by the service plus this time has passed, another instance of the service is allowed to run.
CANCEL FORMAT - Cancellation Format Text. The available options are GDS and Property.
CANCEL WINDOW - The number of minutes during which reservation can be canceled without penalty, once the booking is made. At the property level, the defined time allows the agent to cancel a non-cancellable booking or booking that would be within the applicable cancel policy penalty.
CHANNEL INVENTORY SELECTION - The available options are Sequence, MaxAvail, and MaxAvailPercentage.
FREQUENT GUEST MEMBERSHIP TYPE - The default frequent guest membership type for GDS and ODS channels. This value is used for creating/updating memberships at the time of booking.
GDS MAXAVAIL ALTERNATE RESORT - Indicates the maximum number of properties that can be returned as an alternate property if the requested property is not available.
GDS PURGE INTERVAL - The interval, in minutes, that old GDS data is purged from the temporary tables once processed. The purge interval works in conjunction with the Purge action, and this value cannot be null.
GLOBAL ADS MODE - This setting will determine what mode the OPERA ADS interface should accept incoming reservations. If set to HOUSE, then availability will be pulled from the House. If set to BLOCK, then availability will be pulled from the Block. The BLOCK_SEARCH field should be populated on the Channel Setup screen as well.
GUEST ADDRESS PHONE UPDATE - If the guest address or phone information is changed during the modification of the booking in the GDS system, the new address/phone information is inserted, updated, or not modified based on the value selected. The available values are Insert, Update, and None.
MAX ALLOWED EXTRA - This setting is used during the Pegasus Rate Update where the maximum allowed extra persons is sent to the GDS allowing them to control the number of extra persons that can be booked. This does not limit bookings for Next Gen Seamless customers who are not using the Rate Update Service.
MAX ALLOWED ROLLAWAY - This setting is used during the Pegasus Rate Update where the maximum allowed quantity of rollaway's is sent to the GDS allowing them to control the quantity that can be booked. This does not limit bookings for Next Gen Seamless customers who are not using the Rate Update Service.
MAX AVAIL LIST ITEMS - The maximum number of items returned for a search. If paging is supported, this can be a multiple of the MAX ITEMS PER MESSAGE, with a maximum allowed of 100.
MAX RATE UPDATE - The maximum number of rate update messages.
MAX REGIONAL RATEDAYS - The price table for regional availability, populated for a given number of days. At the property level, this parameter indicates the maximum number of days in advance to populate the regional availability rate range table, which is used by a Regional Availability search. 336 is the suggested value, since the GDS hosts can search up to 331 days out.
OEDS TRACE DEPARTMENT - Enter trace department for OWS comments and GDS service information. This parameter setting will not be displayed if the OEDS parameter CONVERT OWS AND GDS COMMENTS AS TRACES is set to N.
OPENCOURSE WS EP - Web services end point for OpenCourse interface.
OPENCOURSE WS PASSWORD - Password that will be used while calling OpenCourse web services interface.
OPENCOURSE WS USERNAME - Username that will be used while calling OpenCourse web services interface.
PROFILE NAME CASE SET - This setting allows the profile name to appear in the letter case type that the property wants displayed on the profile screen. The available values are UPPERCASE, LOWERCASE, and INITCAPS.
PURGE ACTION - The action to apply for a session purge. The available values are ET (end transaction) and IG (ignore). The purge action works in conjunction with the purge interval, and this value cannot be null.
RATE PLAN TEXT - The description to use when updating the rate plan text. The available values are RATE_HEADER (Rate Header Description) and PROPERTY (Marketing Text for the Property).
RATE UPDATE - The GDS rate update method. The available values are PEGASUS and LANYON.
RATE AVAIL UPDATE WAIT TIME - This parameter determines the fail-over wait time in minutes for these services: GWIZ Rate Update Service and GWIZ (AVSTAT). When the last update time by the service plus this time has passed, another instance of the service is allowed to run.
REGIONAL ROLLOVER DATE - This is the last rollover date used to populate gds_rateroom_price table. If the above date is less than the max future price synchronization date (property date plus MAX_REGIONAL_RATE_DAYS) data will be inserted in the table from this date to the max future price synchronization date.
SEARCH FOR MEMBERSHIP NO. - Allows for a profile match based any one of the criteria selected, in addition to the profile membership number.
SWITCH PALSRP FORMAT - Displays the Pegasus message in a structured or segmented format. The available values are STRUCTURED (Structured format), and SEGMENTED (Segmented format).
TIME OUT - Enter the number (in minutes) after the last activity in which the current session will time-out and be canceled.
TIME OUT MESSAGE - The message to display when a session has timed-out.
UTILITY WAIT TIME - This parameter determines the fail-over wait time in minutes for these services: GWIZ (ONREQUEST), GWIZ Session Purge, and OPERA Access Point-Utility. When the last update time by the service plus this time has passed, another instance of the service is allowed to run.
See Also |