Kiosk Group Application Functions, Parameters, and Settings
There are several parameters and settings that must be activated for certain Kiosk functionality to properly work in OPERA. Select Setup>Application Settings to access the Application Settings screen. Highlight the KIOSK Group to manage the Kiosk-related parameters and settings.
Note: The KIOSK group is only available on the Application Settings screen when the OPP_KSK add-on license is active.
Note: When the OPR<version Number>ORS license code is active, three option buttons appear on the Application Settings screen that affect which Group Functions, Parameters, and Settings are available.
- The Global option button displays Group Functions/Parameters/Settings that affect all properties located in all CROs in the ORS database.
- The CRO option button displays Group Functions/Parameters/Settings that affect all properties located in the CRO selected from the CRO LOV.
- The Property option button displays Group Functions/Parameters/Settings that are available on the property level, and only affect the property selected in the Property LOV.
Select the appropriate option button and refer to the topics below for an explanation of the available KIOSK Group Functions, Parameters, and Settings.