
Oracle Connection Information for OXI Schema

Refer to the following image and the table below for information on configuring the Oracle connection information for the OXI schema.



User Name

Enter the schema name that you are connecting to. Typically OXI.


Enter the password of the schema you are connecting to.

Note: When an existing OXI Schema password is changed, Oracle Data Centers can access the utility "mfPasswordUpdater.exe" in Opera/Tools/OXI/Utilities on the application server to update the password, instead of using the wizard.

Connection String

Enter the Oracle alias as defined in the TNSNAMES file. Typically OXI.

Check Oracle Connection

Initially, this field displays one of two buttons; either Connected or Not Connected. Select the appropriate button to connect to or disconnect from Oracle.

When you have entered all of the information, select the Next > button. The wizard attempts to connect to the Oracle database.

See Also