
Performing a New OEDS Installation Using the OEDS Wizard

Important: Review and perform the actions described in the Requirements and Assumptions section before continuing.

To perform a new OEDS installation, follow these steps:

  1. Run the Wizard.

    Note: If a Windows installer prompt appears, prompting you that another version of this product is already installed and installation of this version cannot continue, you must uninstall the OEDS file from your computer. See also, Uninstalling OEDS.

  2. Open the \\micros\opera\tools folder on the application server.
  3. Locate the file named, and copy this file to your GDS/OWS Interface computer or run this file from the network.
  4. Extract the contents of the zip file to a local directory. Within the local directory, you will find a file called Opera Electronic Distribution Suite.msi. Double-click on this file to launch it. The Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Opera Electronic Distribution Suite screen appears.

    Note: You can cancel the installation at any point. To cancel an installation, refer to Canceling an OEDS Install.

  5. Select the Next > button. The Setup Type screen appears.
  6. Select the Custom option button, and then select the Next > button. The Custom Setup screen appears. If necessary, select the Change button and change the location of where OEDS will be installed.
  7. Select or deselect the features you do or do not want to install. By default, no features are selected. See also, Selecting or Deselecting Features During an Install.

    Important Note: Certain interfaces require you to install specific features together. For a description of the items you need to install together, see Interface Installation Items.

    If you add features, the Feature Description area displays the size, in kilobytes (KB), that the feature requires on your hard drive. If you select the Opera Electronic Distribution Suite icon, the Feature Description area displays the total size, in KB, that OEDS requires on your hard drive.

  8. Select the Next > button. The Ready to Install the Program screen appears.
  9. Select the Install button to start the installation. The Installing Opera Electronic Distribution Suite screen appears, displaying the status of the install.

    The installation takes a few minutes to run. As part of the installation, the OEDS Configuration Editor launches and takes you through the configurations required to complete the installation and ensure OPERA runs smoothly. These configurations may include information about the Oracle connection, OPERA application login, rate updates, reservation configurations, interface configurations, and so on.

    Note: You will see a series of black screens appear and disappear. This is part of the normal installation process.

  10. Make any necessary changes to how the system is configured through the OEDS Configuration Editor. Select the Next > button or < Back button to navigate from screen to screen in the editor.
  11. Upon making all of the necessary changes in the OEDS Configuration Editor, select the Next > button. If the configuration was done as part of a new installation or an upgrade, a series of black screens appear, and then the InstallShield Wizard Completed screen appears.
  12. Select the Finish button to complete the installation and exit the wizard.

    Note: If you want to make changes to the configuration after the initial setup is complete, use the OEDS Configuration Editor found on your desktop.

This section contains the following concepts and procedures:
