
ORMS Configuration Alerts and Rules

Note: This topic applies to ORMS ADF11.

Access the Alert Configuration and Auto Apply Rules Dashboard by selecting Configuration>Alerts and Rules. This dashboard lets you configure alerts and rules for notification when hurdles are above or below specified numbers, forecast numbers are above or below specified thresholds, on the books percentages are above or below thresholds, or overbooking numbers have reached certain percentages. Alerts can also be applied to specific seasons and events. To help identify alerts and rules, you can apply colors to each. When the system generates hurdles, forecast figures, and oversell numbers that meet the configured alert conditions, alerts can be displayed on the Home Dashboard, Forecast Analysis Dashboard, and Blocks Dashboard.

Note: Whenever an existing Alert or Alert Rule is modified or deleted from the Alerts and Rules Dashboard, all of the Alerts that were triggered in the past by the modified or deleted Alert's conditions will be removed from the database. And, the next time the ORMS Optimizer runs, all of the currently configured and updated Alerts and Rules on this Dashboard will be considered for the generation of new Alerts.



Users must be granted the following permissions to perform the following tasks:

Alert Configuration and Auto Apply Rules Dashboard

The Alert Configuration and Auto Apply Rules Dashboard has the following sections for creating and applying alerts and rules:


Enable Application of Hurdles

Selecting this check box and clicking the Apply button enables Hurdles to be applied to the OPERA availability. Leaving this box unchecked means that no hurdles will be applied in OPERA at all. By default, the Enable Application of Hurdlescheck box is not selected, but selecting this function will automatically activate all ORMS hurdles in OPERA, even if some already exist.

When another RMS system exists in OPERA along with ORMS, this check box will not be selected by default and is disabled. To enable this functionality, you must switch off the other RMS system. Then, select the Enable Application of Hurdles check box and the Apply button to activate all hurdles in OPERA using ORMS.

Note: When this check box is selected, you have the opportunity to modify and approve/apply changes to OPERA for hurdle specifications from the Home Dashboard.

Enable Application of Overbooking

Available when the Rooms Management>Overbooking application function is set to Y in PMS for the Property, selecting this check box and clicking the Apply button enables Overbookings to be applied to the OPERA availability. Leaving this box unchecked means that no overbookings will be applied in OPERA at all. By default, the Enable Application of Overbookings check box is not selected but selecting this function will automatically activate all ORMS overbookings in OPERA, even if some already exist.

When another RMS system exists in OPERA along with ORMS, this check box will not be selected by default and is disabled. To enable this functionality, you must switch off the other RMS system. Then, select the Enable Application of Overbookings check box and the Apply button to activate all overbookings in OPERA using ORMS.

Note: When this check box is selected, you have the opportunity to modify and approve/apply changes to OPERA for overbooking specifications from the Home Dashboard.

Navigation Functions for all Grids

View. Select View to display options for viewing the Alert section. Select or deselect the display options according to your preference. Once an item is selected or deselected, the screen will refresh with your selections displayed.


Detach. Select this button to expand the Alert grid you want to view (enabling expansion of Hurdles and Overbooking, Hurdle Alerts & Auto Apply Hurdles, On the Books & Forecast Alerts, or Overbooking Alerts & Auto Apply Overbooking ). The expanded view will comprise the entire screen, eliminating other sections, so you can view the current grid singularly.

Buttons for all Grids

New. Select this button to create a new alert. The related screen displays with fields for entering criteria (explained below in Add, Edit, or Copy New sections).

Edit. Select this button to edit the highlighted alert. The related screen displays with fields for modifying criteria (explained below in Add, Edit, or Copy New sections).

Delete. Select this button to delete the highlighted Alert Code from the system.

Copy New. Select this button to copy an existing alert to quickly create a new alert. The related screen displays with fields for entering criteria. The copied alert appears in the grid where you can simply change the necessary existing fields and criteria and rename the new alert code. See the Add, Edit, Or Copy New sections below for the description of the fields.

Calendar View. Select this button to see the dates when the highlighted alert will be effective on the Calendar View screen. From the Calendar View screen you can also apply or unapply the alert to various dates. See ORMS Calendar View - Configuration Alerts and Rules for more information.

Hurdle Alerts & Auto Apply Hurdles Grid

The grid displays active configured hurdle alerts.

Alert Color. Color configured for the alert.

Alert Code. Code assigned that is used to indicate the alert. This code is user definable and may contain numbers or characters, or a combination of both.

Alert Message. Description about what the alert represents and circumstances when it will be displayed. The text is user definable.

Season Code. The name of the season for which the alert will be applied (set up when New, Edit, or Copy New was selected). The season code itself was defined in the Configuration Seasons and Events Dashboard.

Events. Displays the RMS events associated with this Alert Code. The events are selected from the Hurdle Alerts & Auto Apply Hurdles screen (see Add, Edit, or Copy New Hurdle Alerts & Auto Apply Hurdles Screen below).

Yield Category. Yield management category or categories this hurdle will be generated for.

Days of Week. Beginning with S (Sunday), identifies the seven days of the week where alerts will be applied: Y = Alert and N = No alert (set up when New, Edit, or Copy New was selected).

Min. Lead Day. Minimum number of days (0-365) from the arrival date the hurdle alert will display, where 0 is the arrival date.

Max Lead Day. Maximum number of days (365-0) from the arrival date the hurdle alert will display, where 0 is the arrival date.

Hurdle Below. Number configured so that an alert will display when the calculated hurdle value falls below this amount.

Hurdle Above. Number configured so that an alert will display when the calculated hurdle value is above this amount.

Forecast Below(%). The set Percentage which will trigger an alert on a given day if the Occupancy Forecast is below that percentage and the Hurdle amount is below or above the set value.

Forecast Above(%). The set Percentage which will trigger an alert on a given day if the Occupancy Forecast is above that percentage and the Hurdle amount is below or above the set value.

OTB Below (%). The set Percentage which will trigger an alert on a given day if the On the Books rooms reserved is below that threshold. The rooms included in the percentage might not include Out of Order rooms or Comp/House rooms, depending on whether these check boxes have been selected on the Home Dashboard.

OTB Above (%). The set Percentage which will trigger an alert on a given day if the On the Books rooms reserved is above that threshold. The rooms included in the percentage might not include Out of Order rooms or Comp/House rooms, depending on whether these check boxes have been selected on the Home Dashboard.

Override Difference. Value that has been set to override the auto generated hurdle amount when it is less than or greater by this flat amount.

Display On. If configured when New or Edit are selected, indicates the dashboard that will display the alerts on the calendar: H (Home), F (Forecast Analysis), and B (Block) Dashboards.

Display Seq. If configured when New or Edit are selected, indicates the hierarchy the alerts will display on the calendar of the H (Home), F (Forecast Analysis), and B (Block) Dashboards, if more than one alert appears.

Auto Apply. Displays a Y if the hurdle will automatically be activated in OPERA or will display a N if the hurdle will have to be manually reviewed and approved before being applied to OPERA.

Add, Edit, or Copy New Hurdle Alerts & Auto Apply Hurdles Screen

This screen is accessed when the New, Edit, or Copy New button is selected from the Hurdle Alerts & Auto Apply Hurdles Grid.


Alert Code. Code assigned and used to indicate the alert. This code is user definable and may contain numbers or characters, or a combination of both.

Alert Message. Description about what the alert represents and circumstances when it will be displayed. The text is user definable.

Season Code. Select the name of the season for which you want the alert to apply. You may select All (for All Seasons) or select a specific season. The season code itself was defined in Configuration Season and Events.

Events. The RMS events associated with this alert. Edit the existing event codes or associate new events to this alert by selecting the Search icon. The Events Search screen opens with a list of RMS events from which to choose. You may select more than one by using the Ctrl key and clicking. When you are through, select OK to save your changes.


Yield Category. Select the yield category this hurdle will be generated for. This field is mandatory and must have a value assigned to it when configuring a new Hurdle Alert or editing a Hurdle Alert that is used as a Rule Alert (Auto Apply Check is not selected). The default value is Not Selected, which keeps the previous setting without changing it. If you want to change it, you must select a different yield category.If no value is selected, an error message will be displayed in red stating "Yield Category is mandatory" once the Save button is selected.

Hurdle Below (Currency). Number configured so that an alert will display when the calculated hurdle value falls below this amount. The options are Not Selected (No Hurdle Below value is considered for generating the alert) or other relevant hurdle step amounts.

Hurdle Above (Currency). Number configured so that an alert will display when the calculated hurdle value is above this amount. The options are Not Selected (No Hurdle Above value is considered for generating the alert) or other relevant hurdle step amounts.

Min. Lead Day. Minimum number of days (0-365) from the arrival date the hurdle alert will display, where 0 is the arrival date. The options are Not Selected ((No Min. Lead Day value is considered for generating the alert) or other relevant hurdle step amounts.

Max Lead Day. Maximum number of days (365-0) from the arrival date the hurdle alert will display, where 0 is the arrival date. The options are Not Selected ((No Max. Lead Day value is considered for generating the alert)) or other relevant hurdle step amounts.

Forecast Below(%). Enter the Percentage which will trigger an alert on a given day if the Occupancy Forecast is below that percentage and the Hurdle amount is below or above the set value.

Forecast Above(%). Enter the Percentage which will trigger an alert on a given day if the Occupancy Forecast is above that percentage and the Hurdle amount is below or above the set value.

OTB Below (%). Enter the Percentage which will trigger an alert on a given day if the On the Books rooms reserved is below that threshold. The rooms included in the percentage might not include Out of Order rooms or Comp/House rooms, depending on whether these check boxes have been selected on the Home Dashboard.

OTB Above (%). Enter the Percentage which will trigger an alert on a given day if the On the Books rooms reserved is above that threshold. The rooms included in the percentage might not include Out of Order rooms or Comp/House rooms, depending on whether these check boxes have been selected on the Home Dashboard.

Override Difference(Currency). Display alert when the value that has been set to override the auto generated hurdle amount is less than or greater by this flat amount.

Alert Color. Select the down-arrow to display the color palette where you can choose from the listed colors or create a custom color to represent the alert. The text and numeric code in the field automatically displays when a color is selected, representing the color in HTML format. The alert color that appears on the dashboard calendar is the color selected here. When more than one alert is present for the day, the color of the alert on the calendar is based on the priority configured in the Display Seq. (see below).

Display Seq. For this alert, enter the order (priority) you would like this alert to appear on the designated dashboard calendar (see below) when there is more than one alert. If no sequence is selected, the listing of the alerts will be random on the dashboard calendar.

Note: If various alerts are triggered for the same day, the system will present the following hierarchy for each of the dashboards:
- Home Dashboard: 1) Hurdle Alert, 2) Overbooking Alert, 3) Forecast Alert.
- Forecast Analysis Dashboard: 1) Forecast Alert, 2) Overbooking Alert, 3) Hurdle Alert.
- Blocks Dashboard: 1) Forecast Alert, 2) Hurdle Alert, 3) Overbooking Alert.

Within each of the Alert Groups, the system will follow the configured Display Sequence.

Display on Home, Forecast, Block. Select the check box for the dashboard calendar where you want this alert to appear. If a check box is not selected, the alert will not appear on that dashboard calendar.

Auto Apply. Select to have the hurdle automatically approved and activated in OPERA. Or, unselect the check box so the hurdle will have to be manually reviewed and approved before it is applied. The approval and activation can also be done on the Home Dashboard. Leaving this check box unselected will override the general setting of Enable Application of Hurdles on the main screen.

Note: If the Auto Apply hurdle check box is not selected and ORMS generates a hurdle that is either below the value defined in the ‘Hurdle Below’ field or else above the value defined in the 'Hurdle Above' field, ORMS will update the OPERA hurdle with the defined value in those fields.

For example:

An alert is configured for NORMAL season and Yield Category STANDARD with the 'Hurdle Above' value = 150.00. The Auto Apply hurdle check box is not flagged.

- If ORMS calculates a hurdle amount for any day in NORMAL season, for Yield Category STANDARD that is above 150.00, the hurdle applied to OPERA will be 150.00 for all Room Types that belong to he STANDARD Yield Category.

- The hurdle with the amount above 150.00 will appear in the Recommendation screen as not approved and the user can decide whether to override it or approve it as-is.

Note: When configuring a new Hurdle Alert or editing an Hurdle Alert that is used as a Rule Alert (Auto Apply Check is not selected), if a value is not selected for the Yield Category field, then an error message will be displayed in red stating "Yield Category is mandatory" once the Save button is selected.

Days of Week. Select the check boxes for the days of the week (Sunday through Saturday) when you want alerts applied. By default, all days of the week check boxes are selected - deselect the days you do not want alerts applied. If desired, use the Reverse button (see below).


Calendar View. Select this button to see the dates when the current alert will be effective on the Calendar View screen. From the Calendar View screen you can also apply or unapply the alert to various dates. See ORMS Calendar View - Configuration Alerts and Rules for more information.

Reverse. This button reverses those weekdays already selected and makes them inactive and vice versa, selects those weekdays that were previously unselected.

On the Books & Forecast Alerts Grid

The grid displays active configured On the Books and Forecast alerts.

Alert Color. Color configured for the alert.

Alert Code. Code assigned and used to indicate the alert. This code is user definable and may contain numbers or characters, or a combination of both.

Alert Message. Description about what the alert represents and circumstances when it will be displayed. The text is user definable.

Season Code. The name of the season for which the alert will be applied (set up when New, Edit, or Copy New was selected). The season code itself was defined in Configuration Seasons and Events.

Events. Displays the RMS events associated with this Alert Code. The events are selected from the On the Books & Forecast Alerts screen (see Add, Edit, or Copy New On the Books & Forecast Alerts Screen below).

Scope. Identifies whether this alert is for:

Days of Week. Beginning with S (Sunday), identifies the seven days of the week where alerts will be applied: Y = Alert and N = No alert (set up when New, Copy New, or Edit was selected).

Min. Lead Day. Minimum number of days (0-365) from the arrival date the forecast alert will display, where 0 is the arrival date.

Max Lead Day. Maximum number of days (365-0) from the arrival date the forecast alert will display, where 0 is the arrival date.

Forecast Below(%). The set Percentage which will trigger an alert on a given day if the Occupancy Forecast is below that percentage and the Hurdle amount is below or above the set value.

Forecast Above(%). The set Percentage which will trigger an alert on a given day if the Occupancy Forecast is above that percentage and the Hurdle amount is below or above the set value.

OTB Below (%). The set Percentage which will trigger an alert on a given day if the On the Books rooms reserved is below that threshold. The rooms included in the percentage might not include Out of Order rooms or Comp/House rooms, depending on whether these check boxes have been selected on the Home Dashboard.

OTB Above (%). The set Percentage which will trigger an alert on a given day if the On the Books rooms reserved is above that threshold. The rooms included in the percentage might not include Out of Order rooms or Comp/House rooms, depending on whether these check boxes have been selected on the Home Dashboard.

Display On. If configured when New or Edit are selected, indicates the dashboard that will display the alerts on the calendar: H (Home), F (Forecast Analysis), and B (Block) Dashboards.

Display Seq. If configured when New or Edit are selected, indicates the hierarchy the alerts will display on the calendar of the H (Home), F (Forecast Analysis), and B (Block) Dashboards if more than one alert appears.

Override Difference. Value that has been set to override the auto generated hurdle amount when it is less than or greater by this flat amount.

Add, Edit, or Copy New On the Books & Forecast Alerts Screen

This screen is accessed when the New, Edit, or Copy New buttons are selected from the On the Books & Forecast Alerts Grid. You can create alerts that are only On the Books (OTB) or only Forecast alerts, or a logical combination of both, using this screen. An example of a combination of OTB and Forecast alerts, is if you have 60 days remaining in your timeframe and you want to view the Forecast 95% above your threshold and the OTB below 25% until one day before the arrival date, you would enter criteria that would create an alert if these conditions were met. When adding or editing these alerts, if the system finds that your thresholds are not logical when you select Save, you will receive an error message.


Alert Code. Code assigned and used to indicate the alert. This code is user definable and may contain numbers or characters, or a combination of both.

Alert Message. Description about what the alert represents and circumstances when it will be displayed. The text is user definable.

Scope. The selections from this LOV will generate alerts for:

Season Code. Select the name of the season for which you want the alert to apply. You may select All (for all seasons) or a specific configured season. The season code itself was defined in Configuration Season and Events.

Events. The RMS events associated with this alert. Edit the existing event codes or associate new events to this alert by selecting the Search icon. The Events Search screen opens with a list of RMS events from which to choose. You may select more than one by using the Ctrl key and clicking. When you are through, select OK to save your changes.


Min. Lead Day. Minimum number of days (0-365) from the arrival date the forecast alert will display if the forecasted occupancy generated meets the set conditions, where 0 is the arrival date. Not Selected indicates that no Min. Lead Day value is considered for generating the alert.

Max Lead Day. Maximum number of days (365-0) from the arrival date the forecast alert will display if the forecasted occupancy generated meets the set conditions, where 0 is the arrival date. Not Selected indicates that no Max. Lead Day value is considered for generating the alert.

Forecast Below(%). Enter the Percentage which will trigger an alert on a given day if the Occupancy Forecast is below that percentage and the Hurdle amount is below or above the set value.

Forecast Above(%). Enter the Percentage which will trigger an alert on a given day if the Occupancy Forecast is above that percentage and the Hurdle amount is below or above the set value.

OTB Below (%). Enter the Percentage which will trigger an alert on a given day if the On the Books rooms reserved is below that threshold. The rooms included in the percentage might not include Out of Order rooms or Comp/House rooms, depending on whether these check boxes have been selected on the Home Dashboard.

OTB Above (%). Enter the Percentage which will trigger an alert on a given day if the On the Books rooms reserved is above that threshold. The rooms included in the percentage might not include Out of Order rooms or Comp/House rooms, depending on whether these check boxes have been selected on the Home Dashboard.

Alert Color. Select the down-arrow to display the color palette where you can choose from the listed colors or create a custom color to represent the alert. The text and numeric code in the field automatically displays when a color is selected, representing the color in HTML format. The alert color that appears on the dashboard calendar is the color selected here. When more than one alert is present for the day, the color of the alert on the calendar is based on the priority configured in the Display Seq. (see below).

Display Seq. For this alert, enter the order (priority) you would like this alert to appear on the designated dashboard calendar (see below) when there is more than one alert. If no sequence is selected, the listing of the alerts will be random on the dashboard calendar.

Note: If various alerts are triggered for the same day, the system will present the following hierarchy for each of the dashboards:
- Home Dashboard: 1) Hurdle Alert, 2) Overbooking Alert, 3) Forecast Alert.
- Forecast Analysis Dashboard: 1) Forecast Alert, 2) Overbooking Alert, 3) Hurdle Alert.
- Blocks Dashboard: 1) Forecast Alert, 2) Hurdle Alert, 3) Overbooking Alert.

Within each of the Alert Groups, the system will follow the configured Display Sequence.

Display on Home, Forecast, Block. Select the check box for the dashboard calendar where you want this alert to appear. If a check box is not selected, the alert will not appear on that dashboard calendar.

Days of Week. Select the check boxes for the days of the week (Sunday through Saturday) when you want alerts applied. By default, all days of the week check boxes are selected - deselect the days you do not want alerts applied. If desired, use the Reverse button (see below).


Calendar View. Select this button to see the dates when the current alert will be effective on the Calendar View screen. From the Calendar View screen you can also apply or unapply the alert to various dates. See ORMS Calendar View - Configuration Alerts and Rules for more information.

Reverse. This button reverses those weekdays already selected and makes them inactive and vice versa, selects those weekdays that were previously unselected.

Overbooking Alerts & Auto Apply Overbooking Grid

Available when the Rooms Management>Overbooking application function is set to Y in PMS for the Property, the grid displays active configured Overbooking and Auto Apply Overbooking alerts.

Alert Color. Color configured for the alert.

Alert Code. Code assigned and used to indicate the alert. This code is user definable and may contain numbers or characters, or a combination of both.

Alert Message. Description about what the alert represents and circumstances when it will be displayed. The text is user definable.

Season Code. The name of the season for which the alert will be applied (set up when New, Copy New, or Edit was selected). The season code itself was defined in Configuration Seasons and Events.

Events. Displays the RMS events associated with this Alert Code. The events are selected from the Overbooking Alerts & Auto Apply Overbooking screen (see Add, Edit, or Copy New Overbooking Alerts & Auto Apply Overbooking Screen below).

Days of Week. Beginning with S (Sunday), identifies the seven days of the week where alerts will be applied: Y = Alert and N = No alert (set up when New or Edit was selected).

Min. Lead Day. Minimum number of days (0-365) from the arrival date the overbooking alert will display if the forecasted overbooking meets the set conditions, where 0 is the arrival date.

Max. Lead Day. Maximum number of days (365-0) from the arrival date the overbooking alert will display if the forecasted overbooking meets the set conditions, where 0 is the arrival date.

Threshold. Percentage set that when the Oversell Limit for the house reaches this percentage, an alert will be displayed.

Display On. If configured when New or Edit are selected, indicates the dashboard that will display the alerts on the calendar: H (Home), F (Forecast Analysis), and B (Block) Dashboards.

Display Seq. If configured when New or Edit are selected, indicates the hierarchy the alerts will display on the calendar of the H (Home), F (Forecast Analysis), and B (Block) Dashboards, if more than one alert appears.

Auto Apply. Displays a Y if the oversell limit will automatically be inserted or will display a N if the oversell limit will have to be manually reviewed and approved before being applied.

Add, Edit, or Copy New Overbooking Alerts & Auto Apply Overbooking Screen

This screen is accessed when the New, Edit, or Copy New buttons are selected from the Overbooking Alerts & Auto Apply Overbooking Grid.


Alert Code. Code assigned and used to indicate the alert. This code is user definable and may contain numbers or characters, or a combination of both.

Alert Message. Description about what the alert represents and circumstances when it will be displayed. The text is user definable.

Season Code. Select the name of the season for which you want the alert to apply. You may select All or a specific configured season. The season code itself was defined in Configuration Seasons and Events. The Not Selected option automatically keeps the current setting.

Events. The RMS events associated with this alert. Edit the existing event codes or associate new events to this alert by selecting the Search icon. The Events Search screen opens with a list of RMS events from which to choose. You may select more than one by using the Ctrl key and clicking. When you are through, select OK to save your changes.


Min. Lead Day. Enter the minimum number of days (0-365) from the arrival date the overbooking alert will display if the forecasted overbooking meets the set conditions, where 0 is the arrival date. The Not Selected option indicates that no Min. Lead Day value is considered for generating the alert.

Max. Lead Day. Enter the maximum number of days (365-0) from the arrival date the overbooking alert will display if the forecasted overbooking meets the set conditions, where 0 is the arrival date. The Not Selected option indicates that no Max. Lead Day value is considered for generating the alert.

Threshold %. Enter the percentage that when the Oversell Limit for the house reaches this percentage, an alert will be displayed. The default value is Not Selected, which automatically keeps the current setting.

Alert Color. Select the down-arrow to display the color palette where you can choose from the listed colors or create a custom color to represent the alert. The text and numeric code in the field automatically displays when a color is selected, representing the color in HTML format. The alert color that appears on the dashboard calendar is the color selected here. When more than one alert is present for the day, the color of the alert on the calendar is based on the priority configured in the Display Seq. (see below).

Display Seq. For this alert, enter the order (priority) you would like this alert to appear on the designated dashboard calendar (see below) when there is more than one alert. If no sequence is selected, the listing of the alerts will be random on the dashboard calendar.

Note: If various alerts are triggered for the same day, the system will present the following hierarchy for each of the dashboards:
- Home Dashboard: 1) Hurdle Alert, 2) Overbooking Alert, 3) Forecast Alert.
- Forecast Analysis Dashboard: 1) Forecast Alert, 2) Overbooking Alert, 3) Hurdle Alert.
- Blocks Dashboard: 1) Forecast Alert, 2) Hurdle Alert, 3) Overbooking Alert.

Within each of the Alert Groups, the system will follow the configured Display Sequence.

Display on Home, Forecast, Block. Select the check box for the dashboard calendar where you want this alert to appear. If a check box is not selected, the alert will not appear on that dashboard calendar.

Auto Apply. Select to have the oversell limit automatically approved and activated in OPERA. Or, unselect the check box so the oversell limit will have to be manually reviewed and approved before being applied. The approval and activation can also be done on the Home Dashboard. Leaving this check box unselected will override the general setting of Enable Application of Hurdles and Overbooking on the main screen.

Days of Week. Select the check boxes for the days of the week (Sunday through Saturday) when you want alerts applied. By default, all days of the week check boxes are selected - deselect the days you do not want alerts applied. If desired, use the Reverse button (see below).


Calendar View. Select this button to see the dates when the current alert will be effective on the Calendar View screen. From the Calendar View screen you can also apply or unapply the alert to various dates. See ORMS Calendar View - Configuration Alerts and Rules for more information.

Reverse. This button reverses those weekdays already selected and makes them inactive and vice versa, selects those weekdays that were previously unselected.

See Also