
ORMS History and Forecast (orms_history_forecast with GENREPPAR.FMX)

The ORMS History and Forecast report allows comparing the property's occupancy and revenue figures from the past with forecasted data. It provides a full overview of past ad potential Revenue, ADR (Average Daily Rate) and RevPAR (Revenue per Average Room) figures as well as additional information such as demand impacting events and amount of Regrets and Denials, among other details. Both Blocks and Transient figures are included. This information will provide a clear picture of past activity as well as what can be anticipated in the future.

Much of the information in this report (other than ORMS-specific) can also be found in the History and Forecast report (history_forecast) in OPERA.


Filters for the report are:

View Date. Enter the Snapshot Date for which you would like to view the history and forecast data. This date can be today's business date or earlier (in the past). The default is the Business Date.

From Date. Enter the beginning date of the date range for the gathered data used in the results of the report. This date can be the same as the View Date or later (cannot be earlier than the View Date). The default From Date matches the View Date.

To Date. Enter the end date of the date range for the gathered data used in the results of the report.

Months. Select the months from the LOV that you would like included within the date range. This is a multi-select list where you can select individual months or you may also select All to include all 12 months of the year.

Yield Category. Select from the LOV the yield category you would like to track. If none are selected, all yield categories will be included.

Deduct. Select whether you want reservations having a reservation type that are flagged Deduct from inventory to be included in the report.

Non-Deduct. Select whether you want reservations having a reservation type that are flagged Non-Deduct from inventory to be included in the report.

Revenue Type. Select whether you want either Room Revenue or Total Revenue (Total revenue for this date includes deduct, non-deduct, individual, and group reservations) included in the report.

Net/Gross. Select whether you want to include either Net (revenue, exclusive of taxes) or Gross (overall total revenue, including taxes).

Report Output

The ORMS History and Forecast Report displays the following data per selected View Date per month. Statistics display for one month per page. On a separate page for the month, Competitor information is displayed. For example, Page 1 includes the Month of January, Page 2 includes Competitor information for January.

Page 1 - The top gray bar displays the Month, date, along with the Day of the Week for each date.

ADR last week OTB - Average Daily Rate (ADR) last week for On The Books (OTB) reservations.

ADR this week OTB - Average Daily Rate (ADR) this week for On The Books (OTB) reservations.

Variance - Difference between ADR OTB last week and this week.

Total last week OTB - Total last week's On The Books (OTB) reservations.

Total this week OTB - Total this week's On The Books (OTB) reservations.

Variance - OTB difference between last week and this week.

Occ. % OTB - Percentage of occupied rooms for On The Books reservations (Based on number of rooms in Property).

Forecast % (ORMS) - ORMS forecast for the percentage of rooms expected to be booked for each of the days (Based on number of rooms in Property).

ADR OTB - Average Daily Rate for reservations for On The Books reservations.

Forecast ADR (ORMS) - Based on On The Books reservations, the ORMS Average Daily Rate forecasted within the time period.

Revenue OTB - Based on On The Books reservations, Revenue OTB reflects all room revenue, package revenue and taxes per night per reservation.

Forecast Rev (ORMS) - ORMS Forecasted Revenue reflects all room revenue, package revenue and taxes per night per reservation within the time period.

Regrets (Available when the Turnaways application function is active) - Number of Regrets recorded for the day.

Denials (Available when the Turnaways application function is active) - Number of Denials recorded for the day.

Rooms Left to Sell - The difference between the On The Books reservations and physical rooms left to sell.

Transient - This section applies to individual reservations and not to reservations having a Block ID.

OTB % last week - Percentage of On the Books transient reservations last week (Based on number of total OTB rooms).

OTB% this week - Percentage of On the Books transient reservations this week (Based on number of total OTB rooms).

Variance - % - OTB percentage difference between last week and this week for transient reservations (Based on number of total OTB rooms).

OTB ADR last week - Last week's On The Books Average Daily Rate for transient reservations.

OTB ADR this week - This week's On The Books Average Daily Rate for transient reservations.

Variance - ADR - ADR difference between last week and this week for transient reservations.

Blocks - This section applies to reservations having a Block ID and not to individual reservations.

OTB % last week - Percentage of On the Books block reservations last week (Based on number of total OTB rooms).

OTB % this week - Percentage of On the Books block reservations this week (Based on number of total OTB rooms).

Variance - % - OTB percentage difference between last week and this week for block reservations (Based on number of total OTB rooms).

OTB ADR last week - Last week's On The Books Average Daily Rate for block reservations.

OTB ADR this week - This week's On The Books Average Daily Rate for block reservations.

Variance - ADR - ADR difference between last week and this week's block reservations.

Complimentary last week - Last week's reservations with the Complimentary flag selected on the rate header.

Complimentary this week - This week's reservations with the Complimentary flag selected on the rate header.

Variance - Complimentary reservations difference between last week and this week.

House use last week - Last week's reservations with House Use flag selected on the rate header.

House use this week - This week's reservations with House Use flag selected on the rate header.

Variance - House Use reservations difference between last week and this week.

LY Demand Influencing Events - Last year's demand influencing events, based on Event code in ORMS selected as an RMS event.

TY Demand Influencing Events - This year's demand influencing events, based on Event code in ORMS selected as an RMS event.

Current year OTB (Rm Night) - Calculations from the current year's On The Books reservations, per Room Night.

Same day last year OTB (Rm Night) - Calculations from the same day last year's On The Books reservations, per Room Night.

Variance (Rm Night) - Difference between same day last year's On The Books, per Room Night reservations and this year's On The Books, per Room Night reservations.

Current year OTB (%) - Current year's On The Books reservations (percentage).

Same day last year OTB (%) - Same day last year's On The Books reservations (percentage).

Variance (%) - Percentage difference between this year's and same day last year's On the Books reservations.

ADR - (Cumulative of all months) Displayed by Budget/vs OTB/Forecast/vs OTB/LY Act/vs OTB/MTD Pickup.

Occupancy - (Cumulative of all months) Displayed by Budget/vs OTB/Forecast/vs OTB/LY Act/vs OTB/MTD Pickup.

Revenue - (Cumulative of all months) Displayed by Budget/vs OTB/Forecast/vs OTB/LY Act/vs OTB/MTD Pickup.

Revpar - (Cumulative of all months) Displayed by Budget/vs OTB/Forecast/vs OTB/LY Act/vs OTB/MTD Pickup.

See Also