
Owner Stats Tab

The Owner Stats screen offers a concise summary of stay and revenue statistics for the current owner. To access this screen, select the Owner Stats tab from the Profile screen. This summary is available when the OPV_<version number> OPERA Vacation Ownership System license code is active and a contract exists for the profile.

Statistics displayed in the This Year column are profile totals for the current calendar year, up to and including the date of the most recent end-of-day processing. Statistics for Last Year are totals for the previous calendar year (January 1 through December 31).

Owner Stats Screen

Search Criteria

Unit. Select the down arrow to choose the unit number for the owner which to see the statistic for. All of the units owned by the selected owner display in the list of values.

Property. Displays the login property name.


The Statistics section displays all of the following information for the unit, for the owner and as a rental, for the current and last year.

Room Nights. The number of overnight stays.

Arrival Rooms. The number of stays.

Cancel Rooms. The number of canceled reservations.

No Show Rooms. The number of no-show reservations.

Day Use Rooms. The number of stays that did not include an overnight. The guest checked in and checked out on the same date.

Total Revenue. The total amount of revenue generated by the guest. This total matches the sum of Room Revenue, F&B Revenue, and Extra Revenue.

Room Revenue. The revenue attributable to a room charge transactions. Revenue is counted as room revenue if the associated transaction code has a lodging transaction type.

F&B Revenue. The revenue attributable to food and beverage transactions. Revenue is counted as F&B revenue if the associated transaction code has an F&B transaction type.

Extra Revenue. The revenue attributable to taxes or other transactions. Revenue is counted as extra revenue if the associated transaction code has an Other transaction type.

Non Revenue. The monies received that are attributable to taxes.

The following statistics are incremented regardless of whether or not the guest is sharing. (See How Sharing Affects Statistics, below, for details.)

Res. Nights. The number of nights, including any nights where the guest was sharing a room.

Res. Arrivals. The number of stays, including stays where the guest was sharing a room.

Cancel Res. The number of canceled reservations, including reservations where the guest was sharing a room.

No Show Res. The number of no show reservations, including reservations where the guest was sharing a room.

Day Use Res. The number of day use reservations, including reservations where the guest was sharing a room.

See Also