
Understanding Profile Statistics

The OPERA profile screens and profile reports include extensive information about guest stays and revenue. Although all the information is drawn from a single database, the data may differ from source to source depending on the database tables  and views from which it is drawn.

Profile History Screen

The Profile History feature is available when the PROFILES > HISTORY application function is set to Y.

To display the history of past and current reservations and stays for a guest (including turnaways), select the Stay Info button from the Profile History Details menu. The Profile History Details menu appears when you select the History button from the Profile Screen Options menu or the Reservation screen Options menu. (The Reservation Options menu is accessible from the Reservation screen or from the Reservation Search screen. The Profile Options menu is available from the Profile screen.)

Two database views are used to pull data for this screen, depending on the profile type.

Both of these views select from RESERVATION_GENERAL_VIEW and RESERVATION_HISTORY, and revenue is calculated using data from FINANCIAL_TRANSACTIONS.

Other points to keep in mind:

Profile Stats & Info Tab

The Profile Stats & Info feature is available when the PROFILE > STATISTICS application function is set to Y.

The Stats & Info screen offers a summary of stay and revenue statistics for the current profile. To access this screen, select the Stats & Info tab from the Profile screen.

Data for this screen is pulled from NAME_BUDGETS.

Points to keep in mind:

Profile Productivity Detailed Report (profile_productivity_detailed)

Two database views are used to pull data for this report, depending on the profile type.

Both of these views select from RESERVATION_GENERAL_VIEW and RESERVATION_HISTORY, and revenue is calculated using data from FINANCIAL_TRANSACTIONS.

Other points to keep in mind:

Profile Production Statistics Report (profileproductivitystat)

Data for this report is pulled from the following views and tables:

Points to keep in mind:

Profile Productivity LOS Report (prof_prod_los)

Data for this report is pulled from RESERVATION_STAT_DAILY.

Points to keep in mind:

See Also