Preblocked Owner Room Reservations (ovos_respreblocked with RES11.FMX)
The Preblocked Owner Room Reservations report displays reservation information for owner rooms that are preblocked. This includes both owner and authorized user reservations.
To access the Preblocked Owner Room Reservations report, select Miscellaneous>Reports, select the Ownership Group, and then select Preblocked Owner Room Reservations. A prompt appears, allowing a user to enter the selection criteria.
From Date. Enter the first date to be included in the report.
To Date. Enter the last date to include in the report.
Room Class. Available when the General>Room Class application function is set to Y, select the room class. By default, all room classes are selected.
Room Type. Select the room type. By default, all room types are selected.
Membership Type. Multi-select LOV for filtering reservations that have a specific membership type associated to them. Inactive membership types are not included in the list of membership types.
Pseudo Rooms. Select this check box to include pseudo rooms.
VIP Only. Available when the Profiles>VIP application function is set to Y, select this check box to include VIPs only. When the check box is selected, specific VIP Codes can be selected from the multi-select drop down list that is displayed.
Individual. Select this check box to include individual reservations.
Block Code. Select this check box to include block codes.
Preblocked Only. Select this check box to include only preblocked rooms.
Promotions. Available when the Rates>Promotions application function is set to Y, select the check box to include promotional reservations in the report details.
Room No. Room number for the preblocked reservation.
Name. Name attached to the reservation.
VIP. Available when the Profiles>VIP application function is set to Y, displays the VIP Code attached to the guests profile on the reservation.
Conf Number. Confirmation number for the reservation.
Owner/Auth User. Displays if the preblocked reservation is for an Owner or Authorized User of the unit.
Arr. Date. Arrival date of the reservation.
Dep. Date. Date the reservation will be departing.
Adl. Number of adults attached to the reservation.
Chl. Number of children attached to the reservation.
Rms. Number of rooms for the reservation.
Nts. Number of nights the reservation is for.
Room Type. Room Type of the unit being used for the reservation.
Rate Amount. Room rate of the reservation.
C/H. Displays if the reservation is a Comp(C) or a House(H) Use reservation.
Rate Code. Rate Code selected for the preblocked reservation.
Res. Type. Displays the type of reservation.
Company/Travel Agent/Source. Displays the Company/Travel Agent/Source attached to the preblocked reservation if one exists. Source is only available when the Profiles>Source application function is set to Y.
Block Code. If the reservation is a business block reservation, then the system-generated code consisting of a combination of letters and numbers assigned to the business block is displayed.