Owner Statements Summary With Totals (ovos_statement_summary2 with OVOS_REP1.FMX)
The Owner Statement Summary With Totals report provides an overview of owner account activity for a specific period, including totals. The report displays the account number, the owner name, the units owned, owner revenue, hotel revenue, the opening account balance, fees and payments made, money generated/paid from other activities, and the closing account balance. The main difference between this report and the Owner Statement Summary report is that the Owner Statement Summary with Totals report displays the grand totals.
To access the Owner Statements Summary report, select Miscellaneous>Reports, select the Ownership Group, and then select Owner Statements Summary (With Totals). A prompt appears, allowing a user to enter the selection criteria.
From Date. Enter the first date to be included in the report.
To Date. Enter the last date to include in the report.
Account No. Select an account number from the list of value to view specific owner statements. If this field is left blank, all owner accounts will display on the report.
Account No. Account number for the owner.
Owner. Name of the owner.
Unit(s). Displays the unit or units that the owner is responsible for.
Gross Revenue. Total gross revenue accrued for the unit/units.
Deductions. Total amount of deductions, for example access fees or marketing fees, which have been accrued for the unit/units.
Hotel Revenue. Total revenue accrued by the hotel based on the terms set by the contract for the unit/units. This amount is calculated by taking the Total Gross Amount - Total Amount of Deduction - Total Owner Revenue.
Owner Revenue. Total revenue accrued by the owner based on the terms set by the contract for the unit/units. This amount is calculated by taking the Total Gross Amount - Total Amount of Deduction - Total Hotel Revenue.
Note: For a reservation that gets checked into a unit, incurs charges that are not eligible as owner revenue transactions, and then this reservation is room moved on the same date into another room/unit, the reservation will not be visible on the owner statements. If however the charges incurred before the room move do account for eligible owner revenue transaction codes, these will remain visible on the owner statements with an equal Arrival and Departure date even though the reservation was not a Day Use reservation.
Opening Balance. Opening balance for the owner. If the Ownership>Hold AR Revenue application parameter is set to Y, then this amount will include any owner revenue from reservations having direct bill to AR marked as Hold.
Owner Share. Based on the contract configuration, the amount the owners revenue share + the amount of revenue from the revenue pooling, when the Ownership>Revenue Pooling application function is set to Y.
Fees. Total amount of fees that the owner is responsible for, including Percentage Fees, Configured Fees, Housekeeping Fees, and Commission Fees.
Note: When the Ownership>Nightly Revenue Split application parameter is set to Y, the posting of the fees are split for each night of the stay during the End of Day procedure. When the parameter is set to N, then the fees are posted all together during the End of Day procedure after the reservation checks out.
Other Activity. Other charges that may have been applied to the account, such as parking charges.
Payments. Total amount of payments that have been made by the owner.
Net Hold Activity. Available when the Ownership>Hold AR Revenue application parameter is set to Y, owner revenue amount from reservations having direct bill to AR.
Balance. Balance amount for the account. This amount is calculated by adding/subtracting the following columns: Opening Balance + Owner Share + Fees + Other Activity - Payments - Net Hold Activity.