
Rotation Adjustment Reasons

When the OPV_<version number> OPERA Vacation Ownership System license is active, select Configuration>Ownership>Codes>Rotation Adjustment Reasons to add or edit rotation adjustment reasons for the property.

The Rotation Adjustment Reasons screen displays the following information:

Code. Rotation adjustment reasons code.

Description. Description of the rotation adjustment reasons code.

Seq. Sequence in which the rotation adjustment reasons code will be displayed in a list of values.


Move Up. Moves the highlighted rotation adjustment reasons code up in the sequence.

Move Down. Moves the highlighted rotation adjustment reasons code down in the sequence.

New. Select to display the Rotation Adjustment Reasons screen and create a new rotation adjustment reasons code.

Edit. Select to display the Rotation Adjustment Reasons screen and edit the highlighted rotation adjustment reasons code.

Delete. Select to delete the highlighted rotation adjustment reasons code.

Close. Closes out of the Rotation Adjustment Reasons screen.

Adding or Editing a Rotation Adjustment Reasons

To add or edit rotation adjustment reasons, select the New or Edit buttons.

Provide the following information in the Rotation Adjustment Reasons screen and select the OK button to add or edit rotation adjustment reasons.

Code. Enter the rotation adjustment reasons code to be used. When creating a new rotation adjustment reasons code, this field will be editable, but can't be edited when editing a rotation adjustment reasons code.

Description. Description for the rotation adjustment reasons code.

Display Sequence. Enter the sequence number in which the rotation adjustment reasons code will be displayed in a list of values.

See Also