Rate Code Refresh
The Rate Code Refresh functionality is used to quickly and easily update the modified characteristics on reservations, helping to ensure that the system performs the functions appropriate to the Rate Codes during the reservation stay. The RATEMGT CONFIG > RATE CODE NEW/EDIT permission must be granted to have access to this functionality.
To refresh certain attributes of the Rate Code, select Configuration > Rate Management > Rate Classifications > Rate Codes. On the Rate Setup screen, click the Refresh button.
On the Refresh Reservation Attributes screen, select the attributes of the Rate Code to be refreshed:
- Print Rate - The Print Rate check box on the reservation (when screen painted) is updated with the value on the Rate Code (checked or unchecked). OPERA uses the Rate Code on the arrival night of a reservation to determine if this update applies to the reservation.
- Routing - This is available when the CASHIERING > ROUTING application function is active. If routing has been manually created on a reservation or attached due to default routing on the profile, the routing from the Rate Code is not added. Only reservations that do not already have routing instructions attached are updated during the rate refresh.
- Posting Rhythms - This is available when the RATES > RATE CODE POSTING RHYTHM or RATES > ADVANCED RATE CODE POSTING RHYTHM parameters are active. Only current and future nights are refreshed, for example, if the Checked-In check box is selected, any nights that have already been posted are not modified. This is also applicable if any room and tax has been posted. If the refresh causes a free night to now be a paid night, OPERA uses the rate amount on the previous night to determine the rate amount.
Click OK and then on the Refresh Reservations screen, select the reservations to be refreshed:
- Checked In Reservations - Refreshes all reservations that are currently checked in (CHECKED IN).
- Future Reservations - Refreshes future reservations. Select the Arrival From and Arrival To dates in the fields that appear when this check box is selected. Leaving the date fields blank refreshes all future reservations. Entering only the Arrival From date refreshes all reservations after that date. Entering only the Arrival To date refreshes all reservations until that date.
Click OK to refresh the selected reservations. If any reservations are open by other users, they are not updated. After a refresh, a prompt appears to print a report of reservations that were unsuccessfully refreshed. See the topic Rate Code Refresh (rate_code_refresh_bi with GEN4.Fmx) for details.
All changes to reservations due to the Rate Refresh are included in the Update Reservation User Activity Log.