
Rate Restrictions

The Restrictions button from the Rate Availability screen (Configuration>Rate Management>Rate Availability) displays the Rate Restrictions screen.  Applicable screen fields are auto-filled based on the Rate Availability screen cell chosen at the time you select the Restrictions button.

The various restriction types can be based on individual rate codes, rate categories, room classes, and room types; or they can be set for the house, depending on expected or current demand levels.

Note: When you set a rate restriction (e.g., room type DLX is Closed for Arrival from 08-23-03  to 09- 23-03), it remains in effect for the period determined by the Begin Date and End Date. You can however, cancel or "reverse" the restriction by setting the opposite restriction type. (For example, room type DLX is Open for Arrival from 08-23-03 to 09-23-03.)

Note: When the Rates>Rate Strategy Logging for Reservation Restrictions application parameter is set to N, then logging will not occur in the RESERVATION_RESTRICTIONS_LOG table when the restriction is initiated by the Rate Strategy Processor.

Provide the following information, as appropriate, then select the OK button. Select Save to save your changes without leaving the Rate Restriction screen.

Property. (Available when the MHOT Multi-property PMS add-on license is active.) Select the down arrow to choose the property to set a restriction.

Restriction Type. Select the down arrow to choose the restriction type you want to apply.

Note: The restriction types available at your property depend on the Rates>Restriction Types application setting.

Days. The specific number of days for the selected restriction if this field applies to the restriction (e.g., Minimum Length of Stay, Maximum Advance Booking, etc.).

Begin Date. The restriction start date. This date cannot be greater than 5 years from the current business date.

End Date. The restriction end date. This date cannot be greater than 5 years from the current business date.

Days of the Week. All check boxes are pre-selected by default. Click inside a box to remove the check mark for the days you do not want the restriction to be applied. For example, if a date range is for the entire month, but you do not want it to apply on Saturdays and Sundays, you would remove the check marks from the Saturday and Sunday check box.

House. (Default is unchecked.) Mark this check box to indicate that the restriction being entered applies at the house level. If the House check box is not marked and the user does not enter other criteria like rate category, room type, etc., the restriction will still be a house level restriction.

Clear All Restrictions. Select this check box to remove all options selected for House, Room Class, Room Type, Rate Category, and Rate Codes; these fields will become unavailable. All restrictions will be removed for the dates shown, thus opening the dates.

Room Class. Select the down arrow to choose the room classes to which this restriction applies. Available when the General>Room Class application function is set to Y.

Room Type. Select the down arrow to choose the room types to which this restriction applies. For reference, room classes are shown for the room types dislayed in the LOV.

Note: Room Class and Room Type are mutually exclusive. If you select a Room Class, then select a Room Type, the Room Class field will be blanked and vice versa.

Rate Category. Select the down arrow to choose the rate category or categories to which this restriction applies.

Rate Code. Select the down arrow to choose the rate codes to which this restriction applies. For reference, rate categories are shown for the rate codes displayed in the lOV.

Note: Rate Category and Rate Code are mutually exclusive. If you select a Rate Category, then select a Rate Code, the Rate Category field will be blanked and vice versa.

See Also