
Request Monitor Parameters

Refer to the following image and the table below for information on entering Request Monitor parameters:




Log OWS Availability Request

Select to log Availability requests for OWS channels into the OEDS Request Monitor table. For OWS Availability requests, the following requests will be logged: Detailed Availability, General Availability, Regional, RegionalAvailExt, and FetchCalendar.

Log OWS Reservation Request

Select to log Reservation requests for OWS channels into the OEDS Request Monitor table. For OWS Reservation requests, the following requests will be logged: Create, Update, Cancel, FetchBooking, FetchBookedPackages, DeletePackage, UpdatePackage, ConfirmBooking and IgnoreBooking.

Log OWS Name Request

Select to log Name requests for OWS channels into the OEDS Request Monitor table. For OWS Name requests, the following requests will be logged: Register Name, Update Name, Fetch Name, Fetch Profile, Insert Credit Card, Update Credit Card, Delete Credit Card, and Fetch Credit Card.

Log GDS Availability Request

Select to log Availability requests for GDS channels into the OEDS Request Monitor table. For GDS Availability requests, the following requests will be logged: GdsAreaAvailability, GDSGeneralAvailability, and GDSDetailAvailability.

Log GDS Reservation Request

Select to log Reservation requests for GDS channels into the OEDS Request Monitor table. For GDS Reservation requests, the following requests will be logged: CreateBooking, UpdateBooking, End Session, and Ignore.

Log ADS Availability Request

Select to log Availability requests for ADS channels into the OEDS Request Monitor table. For ADS Availability requests, the following requests will be logged: Detail Availability and General Availability.

Log ADS Reservation Request

Select to log Reservation requests for ADS channels into the OEDS Request Monitor table. For ADS Reservation requests, the following requests will be logged: ADS Create Booking, Update Booking, Confirm Session, and Ignore Session.

When you have finished entering the parameters, select the Next > button.