
Cancellation Report (rescancel with RES4.FMX)

The Cancellation Report displays information related to cancellations for a specified date range, which may include the current business date. This report will not include pseudo rooms in its data results.

Note: When the OPR <version number> ORS license code is active, the Select Property screen appears prior to the Report Parameters screen.  Choose the property you want to view and select the OK button. The Report Parameters screen appears.

This report can be used by managers or sales staff to monitor individual, group, and company cancellations or to analyze any decreases in room sales activity.

Selection Criteria

Date Range

Date Range. Select a From Date and To Date. When the option button for Arrival Date is selected, the report will include cancellations whose arrival date is within the selected date range. If the option button for Cancel Date is selected, the report will include cancellations whose cancel date is within the selected date range.


Room Class. Multi-select LOV for filtering on specific Room Classes. Only include Cancelled Reservations that are made for a Room Type that is in the selected Room Class. When the GENERAL > ROOM CLASS application function is active, select the room class from the list of values to filter with.

Cancel Reason. Multi-select LOV for filtering on canceled reservations by specific cancellation reasons.

Blocks. Multi-select LOV for filtering on specific blocks that have canceled their reservations and fall within the selected date range.


Notes. When checked, all notes attached to the Reservation and Primary Profile will be displayed on the report. The user can select from a Multi-select LOV, the Note or Comment types they would like included on the output.

Internal Notes. When the Notes check box is selected, an additional check box is displayed that allows the option of including those notes that have been marked as “internal”. If this check box is NOT selected, the filter information on the report does not display that “internal notes” are not included.

Share Names. If checked, the report will display guest’s names who have share reservations. This check box will only be displayed when the Reservations > Shares application function is set to Y.

Accompanying Name. If checked, the report will include the accompanying names that are associated with reservations. The Accompanying Names check box will only be displayed when the RESERVATIONS > ACCOMPANYING GUEST application function is active.

Alternate Names. If checked, the report will include the alternate name associated with the reservations. The Alternate Names check box will only be displayed if the GENERAL > ALTERNATE NAME application function is active.

Sort Order. Arrival Date, Market Code, Company Name, Cancel Date

Group By. Cancel Date, Arrival Date, Room Class, User.

Report Output

In the report output, if the RESERVATIONS > ROOM LIMIT PER RESERVATION application setting is set to 1 and the RESERVATION > SHARES application function is set to N, then the Rms. column will not display. However, a total for Rooms will be displayed in the Grand Total row at the end of the report.

The Source column will only be displayed on this report when the PROFILES > SOURCE application function is set to Y.

The Cancelled By column displays the user that canceled the reservation.

The Revenue Loss column includes revenue lost for the total number of rooms for that particular canceled reservation. This column includes the total lodging amount plus the price of any package(s) attached to the reservation, either included in the rate code or attached directly to the reservation. The Revenue Loss column excludes generates (e.g., taxes).

The Rate Amt, Revenue Loss, and Deposit Paid totals only appear when the Rate Code currency is the same.

Name. Guest name attached to the reservation.

Company/Travel Agent/Source. Company, Travel Agent, or Source profile attached to the reservation.

Block Code. If the reservation is part of the business block, block code assigned to the business block.

Room Type. Room type attached to the reservation.

Arr. Date. Arrival date of the reservation.

Lead Time. Total lead time elapsed between the date the booking is created and the day the booking arrives at the property.

Rms. Number of rooms attached to the reservation. When the reservation is a share reservation, each share will display as its own reservation, but will only show as 1 reservation in the Rooms Total. For example, a reservation with 4 Shares is canceled. Even though each of the 4 rows will display 1 Room, totaling 4, the Rooms Total will only show as 1 Room.

Nts. Number of nights that the reservation was for. When the reservation is a share reservation, each share will display as its own reservation, but will only show as 1 reservation in the Nights Total. For example, a reservation with 4 Shares is canceled. Even though each of the 4 rows will display 1 Night, totaling 4, the Nights Total will only show as 1 Night.

Mkt. Code. Market Code attached to the reservation.

Rate Code. Rate Code attached to the reservation.

Rate Amt. Nightly rate amount attached to the reservation.

Revenue Loss. Amount of revenue loss from the reservation cancellation.

Deposit Paid. Total amount of deposit paid on the reservation.

Reserved By. OPERA User the created the reservation.

Cancellation No. OPERA generated number assigned to the reservation cancellation.

Cancel Date. Date when the reservation was canceled.

Cancel Time. Time that the reservation was canceled.

Cancelled By. OPERA User that canceled the reservation.

Cancel Reason. Reason the reservation was canceled.

Cancel Description. Description for why the reservation was canceled.