Reservations and Packages
When a reservation is sent from the CRS, if the reservation carries a package it is attached to the reservation. If the PMS has any packages attached to the Rate Code, those were also attached to the reservation. Keep in mind the following for how packages are affected. Go to; OXI > Interface Configuration > Inteface Parameters > parameter group OXI_RESERVATIONS.
When a reservation is linked to a group, OXI will now also look into the Allotment Header information. If a package has been attached to the group, that package will be linked to the reservation. Keep in mind the following for how packages are affected. Go to; OXI > Interface Configuration > Interface Parameters > parameter group OXI_RESERVATIONS.
PACKAGE_CRS_OVER set to Y/N: If the parameter is Y, then the Packages will always be overwritten by CRS updates to the reservation. (Example: if the reservation has a package attached by the Hotel user but not by the CRS then the update message from the CRS will remove it and only keep the ones from the CRS, in the next update. If the parameter is N, then the Packages that were added from PMS side to existing CRS packages, will be kept in the next update sent from the CRS.)