
Room Moves (room_move with RES20.FMX)

The Room Move report shows which reservations have been moved to a different room number for a particular date or a range of dates. A filter option for Reservation Status lets you include reserved guests and/or in house guests. This report will key off of the reservation history.

The report excludes the initial assignment of a room number (i.e., the first time a room number is assigned to a reservation). Reservations that have had a room number assigned, then moved, and then unassigned, the move will still show. Other data includes the user who conducted the room move, and the old and new room number.

The Room Move report will display the current room status and not the status when the room move was performed. This can also be confirmed within the User Activity Log.

Selection Criteria

Activity Date Range

From Date/To Date.  Select a From Date and To Date to report on Reservations having activity within the specified range of dates.


Room Class. Multi select LOV for filtering on specific Room Classes.  Only include reservations that are made for a room type that is in the selected room class. Available when the General>Room Class application function is set to Y. Default is all room classes.

Room Type. Multi select LOV for filtering on specific room types.  Only include Reservations that are made for a room type that is selected. Default is all room types.

Reservation Status. Multi select LOV for filtering on specific reservation statuses.  Only include Reservations that have a reservation status that is selected. Default is all reservation statuses. Depending on the reservation statuses selected, the report can show room changes before the guest checked in as well as room moves for in-house guests.

User. Multi select LOV for filtering on specific users. Both active and inactive users (except inactive "internal" users configured to allow external interface systems to log in) are included. Display all of the room moves that have been completed by the selected users. Default is all of the configured users.

Room Move Reason. Multi select LOV for filtering on specific Room Move Reasons. Select the down arrow to choose specific room move reasons to include in the report output.


Notes. When checked, all notes attached to the Reservation and Primary Profile will be displayed on the report. The user can select from the Note or Comment types they would like included on the output from the multi-select list.

Alerts. When this check box is selected, alerts associated with the Reservation are displayed. The checkbox will only be displayed when the application function Reservations>Alerts is active.

Include Internal Notes. When the Notes check box is selected, an additional check box is also displayed that allows the option of including those Notes that have marked as “internal”.  If this checkbox is NOT selected, the Filter information on the report output does not display that “internal” notes are not included.

Sort Order

The sort order options are:

Alphabetical - Sorts the results in alphabetical order by the Guest Name on the reservation.

Arrival Date - Sorts the results based on the Arrival Date of the reservation.

Chronological - Sorts the results in chronological order based on the Date and Time of when the room move was made.

Room Class - Groups the results together based on the Room Class. Option is only available when the General>Room Class application function is set to Y.

Room Number - Sorts the results of the report in ascending order by the Room Number.

Room Type - Groups the results together based on the Room Type.

Report Output

Room No. Current room number assigned to the reservation.

Room Type. Current room type assigned to the reservation.

Name. Name of the guest attached to the reservation.

CRS No. If the reservation was created from a central reservation system, then the confirmation number assigned by the central reservation system is displayed.

Resv. Status. Displays the status of the reservation.

Arr. Date. Arrival date of the reservation.

Dep. Date. Scheduled departure date of the reservation.

Do Not Move. Available when the Reservations>Do Not Move Room application function is set to Y, displays if the reservation is selected as a Do Not Move (Y) reservation or not (N).

Old Room. Displays the Room Number that the room move was completed from.

Room Type. Displays the Room Type that the room move was completed from.

New Room. Displays the Room Number that the room move was completed into.

Room Type. Displays the Room Type that the room move was completed into.

User. Displays the User who completed the room move.

Date. Displays the Date & Time of when the room move occurred.

Reason Code. Displays the Room Move Reason Code and Description for the room move. If the Reservations>Mandatory Room Move Reasons application parameter is set to Y, then this column will always be populated. But if the parameter is set to N, then a value might not display in this column as the user will not be required to define a reason for the room move.