
S2S Adaptor Configuration

Refer to the following image and the table below for information on entering S2S Adapter configuration parameters.

Note: For this configuration screen to be available, the S2S Adapter must be selected during the initial OEDS installation or upgrade.



Field Name



Enter the external system URL for S2S.

S2S Opera URL

Enter the path to the s2s service of the OPERA web service.

Gaming Interface Name URL

Enter the path to the gaming web service for OPERA.

Wait time for S2S response (in seconds)

Select the up or down arrow to define the wait time in seconds for the S2S response. The default time is 30 seconds.

Default Decimal Currency Position

Select the up or down arrows to define the default number of decimal places for currency values in the property.

Interface ID

Enter the gaming interface ID.

Note: This is the same as the OXI Interface ID that was entered on the Gaming/WBR Parameters screen.

Use OXI External

Select the down arrow and indicate if you want to use the OXI External ID by choosing Yes or No.

Log File Size (MB)

Enter the size of the log file in MB. This will be stored as Bytes in the config file.

WAT Account First Preference

Enter the first preference for the Wagering Account Transfer (WAT) Account. When performing a comp request from OPERA, if the balance in the first account is not sufficient to meet the request, the remaining balance withdrawal will be made from the second account.

WAT Account Second Preference

Enter the second preference for the Wagering Account Transfer (WAT) Account. When performing a comp request from OPERA, if the balance in the first account is not sufficient to meet the request, the remaining balance withdrawal will be made from the second account.

When you have entered all of the information, select the Next > button.