
Using SFA Business Blocks

The Sales Force Automation (SFA) version of Sales and Catering must be installed in order to access the SFA-specific Business Block features.

One of the primary features of the Business Block under SFA is the Potential field. This field provides access to all Potential records and provides the ability to attach one or several Potentials to a booking. Once the booking becomes actual, the actual room nights and revenue of that booking credits against the attached Potentials. This provides accurate information comparing potential business with actual sales. View these comparisons on the potential screen and run reports that compare potentials versus actual  figures.

There are two main Business Block functions:

Quick Business Block in SFA

Using the Quick Business Block screen to create a Business Block is the same as using the Business Block screen except that it displays only the required fields; in addition, searching for Accounts and Contacts is streamlined and a quick Profile process is available for creating new Profiles. These features ensure that only the most important and relevant information is captured at the moment, while secondary information can be entered later at your convenience.

F&B Meeting Agenda

Both SFA Business Blocks and SFA Quick Business Blocks support the F&B Meeting Agenda feature. Meeting Agenda information offers a way to attach information about F&B and meeting events to the Business Block.