
Searching for Potentials

Access the Potential Search screen from the main menu by selecting Customer Management > Potential. You can also access the Potential Search screen using the Potentials button on the New Account or Account Search screen by selecting Options > Potential.

Use this screen to search for existing potentials, to create new potentials, and to access accounts, activities, and other information related to potentials.

Search Criteria

Account. Enter the name of the primary account with which the potential is associated. Select the ellipsis button to go to the Account Search screen.

Agent. Enter the name of the travel agent with which the potential is associated. Select the ellipsis button to go to the Account Search screen.

Start Date. Enter a beginning date from when you want to include potentials. All potentials with a start date equal to or greater than the date entered in this field will be included in the search results.

Booking Type. Select the down arrow to choose booking types in order to search for potentials having one of those booking types.

Market Segment. Select the down arrow to choose a Market Segment in order to search for potentials having that Market Segment.

Property. Select the down arrow to choose a Property code to search for potentials having that code.

Marketing Region. Select the down arrow to choose Market Regions in order to search for potentials having one of those Market Regions. When you select a Marketing Region, the Marketing City list of values displays only Marketing Cities defined for the Marketing Region you chose. If you change the Marketing Region, the Marketing City LOV will reappear automatically if any of the cities you selected are not configured for the new Marketing Region.

Marketing City. Select the down arrow to choose Marketing Cities in order to search for potentials having one of those Marketing Cities.

Potential Type. Select the down arrow to choose potential records by potential type. You can choose potential types to search for.

Owner. Select the down arrow to choose sales managers whose potentials you want to search for. The list displays all owners of every property for which the SFA user has property access permission.

Primary Owner Only. Select this check box to only display potentials if the owner selected in the Owner field is the primary owner.

The results to your search display in the grid.

Advanced Search Criteria

Select the Advanced button to display options for additional search criteria. When any of the Advanced search fields or filters have been selected, the Potential Search Screen displays **Advanced Filter Active** in the title bar.

Peak Rooms. Enter values to define a range of rooms to search for potentials that include a number of peak rooms in that range.

Attendees. Enter values to define a range of attendees to search for potentials that include a number of attendees in that range.

Average Rates. Enter values to define a range of average rates to search for potentials that include average rates in that range.

Potential ID. Enter the unique system generated ID number for the potential. The whole number must be entered to find the correct potential.

Property Type. To search for potentials for specific property types, select the down arrow to choose the property types.

Property Features. To search for potentials for specific property features, select the down arrow to choose the property features.

Meeting Features. To search for potentials for specific meeting features, select the down arrow to choose the meeting features.

Filter. Select an existing filter, or create a new filter by which to sort the results by. See Business Block Filter Setup for more details.

Months. Select check boxes to search for potentials that are designated for those months.

Potentials Search Results Grid

Company. The name of the primary company account associated with the potential highlighted in the grid. To access the Company Profile, double-click the Company field.

Agent. Travel agent, if any, associated with the potential highlighted in the grid. To access the Agent Profile, double-click the Agent field.

Name. Descriptive name of the potential.

Type. Potential type.

Marketing Region. The potential's Marketing Region.

Marketing City. The potential's Marketing City.

Market Segment. The potential's Marketing Segment.

Owner. The primary sales manager owner of the potential.

Start/End Period. The period defined by the potential From Date and To Date.

Right-Click Functions for Grid Display

A right-click on the column headers in the search results grid allows you to change the sort order of the search results and make other modifications to the grid. Options include:

Add this Item to Order By. Use this option to add the selected column to the sort order. For example, if the default order by is start date and user wants to order by start date and then status, right click on status and select this option.

Add this item in order by, descending. Use this option to add the selected column to the sort order, in descending order. The same as above except that the sort on status will be in reverse sequence order.

Order by this item in descending order. Use this option to start the sort order using the selected column.

Remove this item from Order By. Use this option to remove the selected column from the sort order.

Don't Order By Any Column. Use this option to display results without a sort order.

Show Existing Order By. Select this option for a text display of the current sort order.

Column. To increase or decrease the width of a selected column in the Search result grid, select the Column option and select Increase Width or Decrease Width. You can also select and drag the right border of the column header to the desired width. The changes only remain in place in the Search grid when the Search screen is open. If you want permanent changes to the column adjustment:

- Select Save Grid in the right-click Order by menu.

- Or, select Modify Grid. The Grid Definition screen appears where you can set the desired width in the Preview Grid and select Save.

Save Grid. Select this option to enable the Modify Grid option to change the display of the columns in this grid.

Modify Grid. Opens the Grid Definition screen which allows you to add or remove columns from the grid, edit column headers, change the column width or the column order and color code the grid. If the Modify Grid option is grayed out, you must first select Save Grid.


Account. Select this button to view the details of the account to which this potential is attached. If both a company and a travel agent are attached, you are prompted to select the account you wish to view. See Creating and Editing an Account for details.

Activities. Select this button to go to the Activity Search screen. The Potential Name, Owner, and other information for the highlighted potential appears in the search criteria sections of the Activity Search screen. See Searching for Activities for details.

Block. Select this button to open the Business Block Search screen. If there are business blocks associated with the account for this record, they will be displayed. If there are no business blocks associated with the account, you will be prompted to create a new business block.

Copy. Select this button to copy the highlighted potential. A confirmation message will appear. Select Yes to copy this potential. The copy function replicates the main potential details without the forecast figures. The new copy name will display as "Copy of ..." followed by the original potential name. You can then edit the name and other features of the new potential as necessary.

New. Select this button to create a new potential. See Creating and Editing Potential for details.

Edit. Highlight your choice and select this button to review or modify the potential. See Creating and Editing Potentials for details.

See Also