Room Type Statistics (statroomtype with GENREPPAR.FMX)
The Room Type Statistics Report displays by room the amount of room revenue generated per Room Type, the Potential Rooms that are available for a date, and the number of rooms occupied in the Room Type for a specific date or a date range. Print this report for information that can be used to improve customer service, fine-tune marketing strategies, and analyze revenue sources.
Make note of the following report features:
The Room Type Statistics report does NOT perform an outer join; this means it will show only room_categories that have a row in reservation_stat_daily for the requested date range. This does not mean that the reservation had to be checked-in, only that there was a reservation for that room type on that day. Also, if there was any financial transaction made against a reservation on that day, that room type would also show on the report even if the reservation was not in house on that day. This includes financial transactions charged to the reservation through pre- or post-stay posting, transferring a transaction to another room(type), etc.
The Room Type display per date is displayed in the sequence order assigned in configuration.