


Type.  Parameter

Application.  PMS

Description.  Automatically Transfer any Generates attached to a Transaction Code if the Parent Transaction Code is Transferred or Routed.


Property Determination. When a main transaction is moved to another reservation or another window, should generates that were posted automatically be moved at the same time? When splitting a transaction that has generates such as a tax attached, the tax is automatically recalculated for the two resulting transactions. A generate that has been split cannot be selected and transferred to another window by itself (without the main transaction) when the parameter is active.

Activation / Inactivation Rules. 

Parameter will automatically be set to Y if the Tax Type Calculation parameter is set to PROFILE.

Unable to inactivate if current guests are in house.

Available Values.

Y (Yes)

N (No)

Add On Licenses/Country Specifics.


Other Application Settings.


Affected Areas

Menus / Screens / Fields.

Cashiering > Billing

Reports & Report Forms.




Other Areas.

When you split a transaction that has generates such as a tax attached, the tax is automatically recalculated for the two resulting transactions. A generate that has been split cannot be selected and transferred to another window by itself (without the main transaction) if the Auto Transfer Generate with Main application parameter is set to Y.)

Window Routing: Routing Limits and Auto Transfer Generates with Main

Routing instructions can be used to route various charges (such as room charges, parking, and minibar charges) to specific windows during end of day processing. When using window routing, be aware of the following consideration.

If the Cashiering > Routing Limits application function is set to Y and the Cashiering > Auto Transfer Generates with Main application parameter is set to N, window routing will not take place during end of day processing if the main transaction includes generates and if a routing limit has been specified for the routing instruction. The user must refresh the folio for the charges to be transferred.

Note: The Cashiering > Auto Transfer Generates with Main application parameter determines whether or not generates will transfer with the main charge regardless of whether the generate transaction codes are included in the routing instructions. If the parameter is set to N, generates will never transfer with the main charge; if it is set to Y, generates will always transfer with the main charge.

Window Routing: Auto Transfer Generates with Main and Allow Routing of Transaction Codes

When Cashiering > Auto Transfer Generates with Main and Cashiering > Allow Routing of Tax Transactions application parameters are set to Y, for example if a charge is posted manually or via EOD on transaction code 1000 that has a generate on transaction code 8000, and if this reservation has a window routing only for transaction code 8000 to window 2, still the postings on 1000 and 8000 will remain together. The posting on transaction code 8000 will NOT be routed to window 2 at this time. The reason being the posting activity takes place on the main/parent transaction code 1000 and due to this the Cashiering > Auto Transfer Generates with Main parameter is applicable, which keeps the main/parent transactions and generates together.

If this window routing instruction is later modified and folios are refreshed, then the posting on transaction code 8000 will be routed to window 2 since now there is NO posting/ transfer/ routing activity taking place on the main / parent transaction code 1000 and due to this the Cashiering > Auto Transfer Generates with Main parameter is NOT applicable and only the Cashiering > Allow Routing of Tax Transactions is applicable.

If later on user selects either the main / parent posting or the generate posting and transfers / drags & drop etc to another window, then again the main / parent posting and the generate postings come together since Cashiering > Auto Transfer Generates with Main is set to Y.

This behavior is applicable irrespective of the TAX TYPE CALCULATION setting set to PROFILE or RESERVATION.