
About Business Events

Three layers of tiers exist in Business Event Setup. First, there are the Business Event Modules (Activity, Availability, Block, Block Offsets, Cashiering, Catering Notes, Configuration, Enrollment, Housekeeping, Night Audit, Owner Contract, Profile, Rate, Reservation, and Stay Records.) Within each module there are the actual Business Events (Action Types) that can be subscribed to- New Reservation, Update Reservation, New Profile, etc. And finally, there are Data Elements corresponding to each Action Type- Room Type, Rate Code, name , etc. The Business Events generated are based on a customizable configuration that the business event user determines. The result is a user configurable flow of data that is available for third party vendors to extract (dequeue) from the OPERA database on a regular basis. (See the Business Events Data Elements Spreadsheets for a complete list of data elements that are available in each module.)

Note: Business Events subscribed to with no Data Elements attached will generate an XML message with header information only for the Business Event. It is imperative that third party systems carefully consider this before programming their dequeue process from OPERA. It is highly suggested that the third party dequeue application is programmed to ignore Modules/Business Events (Action Types)/ Data Elements that the hotel may subscribe to but that the data recipient does not recognize. In this way, you can insure an uninterrupted process of data flow.

See Also