
Add Contact to Sub-Account

  1. Select Accounts > Search from the OPERA Main Menu. The Account Search screen displays.
  2. Enter the related account's name in the Account Name field and select the Magnifier button.
  3. Highlight the related account and select the Display button. The Accounts screen displays.
  4. Select the Contacts button. The Contact search screen displays along with any existing contacts.
  5. Select the New button. A blank contact information screen displays with only the address, copied from the Account's information.
  6. Enter alternate address information.
  7. Enter the necessary information into the Internal Information, Personal Information and Communications fields and select the Save button, followed by the Close button. The Contact search screen displays along with the new contact and the account it belongs to.
  8. Select the Close button, followed by the Account button.
  9. Enter the master account's name in the Account name field and select the Magnifier button. The account displays.
  10. Select the Display button. The account's main information screen displays.
  11. Select the Relations tab.
  12. If the sub-account is a company, make sure the Company field is highlighted. A "+" sign shows to the left of "Company". Select Company.
  13. A list of Sub-Accounts displays. Highlight the desired Sub-Account. If it has contacts attached to it, a "+" sign will appear to the left on the Sub-Account's name. Double-click the sub-account's name.
  14. A list of contacts attached to it displays. Check that the new contact displays there.
  15. Select the Close button.